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ECE II Objective 9.02 Evaluate oral presentation skills used in early childhood professional settings.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE II Objective 9.02 Evaluate oral presentation skills used in early childhood professional settings."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE II Objective 9.02 Evaluate oral presentation skills used in early childhood professional settings

2 Essential Question: What makes an oral presentation effective?

3 When would you have opportunities to do oral presentations showcasing your early childhood professional skills? Interviewing for a scholarship Interviewing for a job Seeking enrollment in a school or class Applying for volunteer work Speaking to a civic, church, or FCCLA audience

4 9.02 Learning Log How can you deliver an effective oral presentation? What is required in advance? How does one prepare? What is required during the presentation itself?

5 “What Makes a Presentation Effective?” Appendix 9.02A Directions –Think about the things that make for an effective oral presentation. –Brainstorm words and phrases that describe an effective presentation. –Prepare to share your thoughts with other students during “Pair and Share.”

6 Resources www.ncrel/org/sdrs/areas/issues/earlycid/e a7lk.htmwww.ncrel/org/sdrs/areas/issues/earlycid/e a7lk.htm www.nwrel/org/scpd/sirs/8/c016.htm 3/ 3/integrate.htm#what

7 “Classifying Characteristics of Effective Presentations.” Appendix 9.02B Directions: –Use this PP to find your answers to each box.

8 Criteria and Standards for Oral Presentations in Early Childhood Professional Settings

9 Standards for Criterion 1: Planning and preparation Goals and objectives clear Appropriate for the intended audience Focused on purpose of presentation Structure logically organized Practiced/rehearsed as needed Timed to ensure appropriate length Appropriate illustrations selected Resources used effectively

10 Standards for Criterion 2: Positive first impression On time Appropriately groomed and dressed Relaxed, natural, at ease Positive attitude projected Professional etiquette used Effective introduction delivered

11 Standards for Criterion 3: Delivery of presentation Message clearly communicated Examples provided Correct grammar, word usage, and pronunciation Voice qualities---pitch, tempo, and volume Effective, upbeat body language Portfolio/other visuals used effectively Responses to questions clear and concise Within time limits

12 Standards for Criterion 4: Closure Message summarized effectively Memorable closure used Professional etiquette used Asked for questions and answered appropriately

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