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Wisconsin Standards for CTE. Timeline New accountability system begins & AYP ends (ESEA waiver) New proficiency benchmarks for WKCE reading & mathematics.

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1 Wisconsin Standards for CTE

2 Timeline New accountability system begins & AYP ends (ESEA waiver) New proficiency benchmarks for WKCE reading & mathematics established Title I Priority & Focus schools identified Educator Effectiveness system design continues; Act 166 passed New accountability system begins & AYP ends (ESEA waiver) New proficiency benchmarks for WKCE reading & mathematics established Title I Priority & Focus schools identified Educator Effectiveness system design continues; Act 166 passed 2011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-17 New school report cards first issued (2011-12 accountability reports) New system of support for Title I Priority & Focus schools begins New kindergarten literacy screener administered statewide DPI provides curricular resources for Common Core State Standards implementation First districts using State Student Information System (SSIS) First districts begin developmental pilot of Educator Effectiveness system SMARTER Balanced assessment field testing Educator Effectiveness statewide system pilot Roll out of Revised Wisconsin Standards for CTE SMARTER Balanced assessment field testing Educator Effectiveness statewide system pilot Roll out of Revised Wisconsin Standards for CTE Common Core State Standards fully incorporated into school/district curricula Smarter Balanced & Dynamic Learning Maps replace WKCE & WAA-SwD in mathematics and English/Language Arts, including reading and writing Educator Effectiveness system implemented statewide ASSETS for ELL assessment in use All districts on SSIS ASSETS for ELL assessment in use All districts on SSIS Higher graduation requirements (targeted –needs legislation)

3 “Every child must graduate ready for future education and the workforce. We must align our efforts so all our students are prepared to succeed in college or a career.” - State Superintendent Tony Evers Wisconsin’s Vision for ALL Learners

4 Standards & Instruction –What and how should kids learn? Assessments and Data Systems –How do we know if they learned it? School and Educator Effectiveness –How do we ensure that students have highly effective teachers and schools? Agenda 2017

5 Shift #1 –Provides a foundation in Programs of Study that allows for student’s to become proficient or master industry expectations in a specific career pathway. Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

6 Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

7 Shift #2 –A focus on CTE standards in relationship to other standards (i.e., science, ELA, math, etc.) Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

8 WCCTS + CTE Other Content Standards Literacy in All Subjects Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

9 Shift #3 –Addition of Learning Priorities along with more specificity of Performance Indicators in a progression by grade band. Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

10 Health Science (HS) Content Area: HSF/Health Science Foundations Standard: HSF1: Academic Foundations: Students will know and apply the academic subject matter required for proficiency within their area. Performance Indicators (By Grade Band) Learning PriorityK-56-89-12 HSF1.a: Relate the knowledge of structures to the functions of the human body. HSF1.a.1.e: Identify parts of the human body. HSF1.a.4.m: Determine the difference between tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. HSF1.a.7.h: Classify the basic structural and functional organization of the human body (i.e., tissue, organ, and system). HSF1.a.2.e: Name basic directional terms in relation to the human body. HSF1.a.5.m: Distinguish directional terms and cavities of the human body. HSF1.a.8.h: Recognize body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities to communicate body locations. HSF1.a3.e: Match individual organs to the correct body systems. HSF1.a.6.m: Describe the functions of each organ system. HSF1.a.9.h: Analyze the basic structure and function of the human body. Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

11 Shift #4 –A comprehensive approach to student learning through high quality instruction, balanced assessment and collaboration that function systematically to support all students. Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

12 Every student has the right to learn. Instruction must be rigorous and relevant. Purposeful assessment drives instruction and affects learning. Responsive environments engage learners. Learning is a collaborative responsibility. Guiding Principles of Teaching and Learning

13 Response to Intervention

14 Shift #5 –To provide a set of common standards that transcend all career and technical education content Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

15 Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards Global Awareness & Cultural Competence Career Development Information, Media & Technology Leadership 4C’s Environment, Health & Safety

16 Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Business & Information Technology Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship Technology & Engineering Family & Consumer Sciences Health Science Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

17 Phase-by-Phase Roll Out Phase 1 2013-2014 Phase 2 2014-2015 Phase 3 2015-2016 and beyond  Engage a broad group of stakeholders in decisions around offerings and content of courses  Understand implications for increased rigor and content with the new Wisconsin Standards for CTE  Understand how the Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards (WCCTS) fit into CTE coursework  Understand the shift required between the Model Academic Standards (1998) and the new Wisconsin Standards for CTE (2013)  Plan for curriculum development  Continue embedding Literacy for All Subjects and Mathematical Practices in current coursework, instruction, and assessment Begin preliminary look at relevant industry certifications  Work closely with other teachers and content areas to understand and embed key strategies and curriculum/standards into CTE courses  Develop local curriculum based on instructional focus to implement the Wisconsin Standards for CTE  Align and select resources to implement changes in instruction  Review and align local formative and benchmark assessments to Wisconsin Standards for CTE  Review and update current equivalency options in CTE  Investigate industry certifications and assessments relevant to local curriculum and outcomes  Develop new equivalency options in CTE  Expand transcripted and other post-secondary credit options based on Wisconsin Standards for CTE  Implement industry certifications and other assessments relevant to local curriculum and outcomes  Conduct collaborative team studies of student data and progress

18 1.Engage a broad group of stakeholders in decisions around offerings and content of courses 2. Understand implications for increased rigor and content Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure Phase 1

19 3. Understand how the WCCTS fit into CTE coursework 4. Understand the shift between Model Academic Standards and the WI Standards for CTE and the difference in instructional practice between the two Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

20 5. Plan for curriculum development 6. Focus on embedding Literacy for All Subjects and Standards for Mathematical Practice in current coursework, instruction, and assessments 7. Begin preliminary look at relevant industry certifications Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure Phase 1

21 Turn and Talk How would you approach initial roll out of standards based on the 7 items in Phase I?

22 Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure Academic & Technical Skills Work-Based Learning Leadership and 21 st Century Skills through CTSO’s College and Career Readiness

23 Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure

24 Wisconsin Common Career Technical Core Global Awareness & Cultural Competence Career Development Information, Media & Technology Leadership 4C’s Environment, Health & Safety Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards Structure


26 WCCTS Activity What do you notice about the WCCTS? What do you wonder about the WCCTS?

27 Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards & Structure

28 Standards Foundations Wisconsin’s Approach to Career and Technical Education (CTE) CTE Powerful Outcomes Standards & Structure

29 Wisconsin Standards for CTE

30 Standards Resources Online In Development

31 Related Resources

32 Questions?

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