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 Safety rules are important because the lab is a dangerous place where accidents can happen.  Rules ensure that everyone remains safe and that everyone.

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Presentation on theme: " Safety rules are important because the lab is a dangerous place where accidents can happen.  Rules ensure that everyone remains safe and that everyone."— Presentation transcript:


2  Safety rules are important because the lab is a dangerous place where accidents can happen.  Rules ensure that everyone remains safe and that everyone is aware of what to do in an emergency situation.

3  Never enter the science lab without your teacher  Sit in your assigned seat  Wait for instructions before doing any activities  Tie back loose hair/clothing and remove jewellery  Wear protective clothing when requested  Never eat, drink or chew gum in the lab

4  Never fool around in the lab  Be careful and quiet  Never work alone  Report all accidents to your teacher  Never do lab experiments at home unless requested by your teacher

5  Goggles - protects eyes  Lab coats - protects clothing/body  Eye wash station - for rinsing face/eyes in case of spill  Fire extinguisher - puts out fires  Fire blanket - puts out fires

6  Fire alarm - signal to evacuate building  Gloves - protects hands  Glass container - for broken glass only  Chemical shower - for large spills on the body  First Aid Kit - for emergency use

7  Stop what you are doing  Turn off any equipment  Line up in single file  Follow the teacher  Close any windows or doors  Turn off lights  Exit building  If in washroom, go to nearest exit and find your class

8  Do not touch anything unless instructed to do so  Handle all materials with care  Never place chemicals or broken glass in garbage can  Never mix chemicals without permission  In case of spill, tell your teacher  Wear safety equipment  Waft odours, don’t snarf  Carefully pour liquids away from your body  Do not pour things down the sink without permission  Always wash hands afterwards

9  W - workplace  H - hazardous  M - materials  I - information  S - system  WHMIS is in international system that uses symbols to inform people how to handle specific chemicals.

10  M - materials  S - safety  D - data  S - sheet  MSDS is an information sheet on controlled products.

11  Product identification and use  Ingredients  Physical data  Fire and explosion data  Reactivity data  Health effects  Preventative measures  First aid matters  Preparation information

12  Read the activity carefully  Clear the work area  Don’t begin until instructed  Listen carefully to teacher instructions

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