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Federation 101 I-LEAD August 12, 2014. Welcome! Brief history of the Federation movement What do Federations do? How do Federations accomplish their mission?

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Presentation on theme: "Federation 101 I-LEAD August 12, 2014. Welcome! Brief history of the Federation movement What do Federations do? How do Federations accomplish their mission?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Federation 101 I-LEAD August 12, 2014

2 Welcome! Brief history of the Federation movement What do Federations do? How do Federations accomplish their mission? What are the departments of Federations? How do Federations function within a community? What do Federation-raised dollars fund? Questions? 2

3 We Can Change the World 3

4 Federation: What guides us? Jews taking responsibility for each other according to the principles of: חסד chesed (caring and compassion) תורה Torah (Jewish learning), תיקון עולם tikkun olam (repairing the world) צדקה tzedakah (social justice) 4 Caring for people in need at home, in Israel and around the world Nurturing and sustaining the Jewish community today and for future generations.

5 5 What is a Federation? Federation builds and strengthens Jewish community; from your hometown to our homeland… Whether the task is reducing Jewish poverty and hunger, rescuing and resettling new immigrants, or spurring Jewish renaissance worldwide, federation is committed to seizing this moment in Jewish history to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people… Federation is the one place that belongs to every Jew, the place where philanthropy, volunteerism and shared commitment come together to make a difference, to repair the world. Source: JFNA website

6 Beginnings 1895 Boston –Kehillah –Kuppah –Umbrella –Centralized –Communal –Benevolent 6

7 Milestones JDC JAFI ORT UJA CJF UJC Taglit – Birthright Israel JFNA 7

8 How do Federations do their work? By-Laws Boards and Committees Volunteer/Professional Partnerships –Mutual respect –Communication –Willingness to learn –Enhance knowledge and skills –Dreams and Vision –Trust –Confidentiality 8

9 9 Roles of Boards Governance Fulfilled by acting as collective body Protect the interests of the public Ensure the organization fulfills its purpose Leadership Fulfilled through actions as individuals Resource developers Trusted advisors and consultants Ambassadors

10 10 Legal Duties of Board Members Duty of care –Be reasonably informed; participate in decisions in good faith and with care of prudent person –Attend meetings regularly; prepare in advance; serve on committees Duty of loyalty –Maintain undivided allegiance to the interests of the organization and maintain solidarity in support of decisions made –Avoid conflicts of interest Duty of obedience (or due diligence) –Be faithful to organization’s mission and comply with applicable laws Source: Board Source, 2006, “What are the legal responsibilities of nonprofit boards?”

11 11 Noteworthy Non-profit Board Practices Stay out of day-to-day management Be involved in fundraising Set policy and general direction for agency Provide financial oversight (but not involved in budget preparation) Hire and evaluate executive director Evaluate programs and services Recruit new board members Serve as “ambassadors” to community Source: Jo An Zimmerman and Bonnie Stevens, “Trends in Board Governance: A Survey of South Carolina Nonprofits,”2004

12 Departments Campaign/Financial Resource Development Planned Giving and Endowments/Foundation Leadership Development Governance/Executive Office Planning and Allocations Israel and Overseas Budget and Administration IT, Accounting, Legal, HR Community Relations Communications and Public Relations 12

13 Where the Dollars Go (2013 $ in Millions) US Donor Federation Annual Campaign $780 (Estimated) Local Agencies National Federation/ Agency Alliance $4.2 Overseas Includes earmarked funds but not Israel Emergency Campaign Or Other Special Campaigns Taglit-Birthright Israel $7.3 JDC $53.3 ORT $2.7 JAFI $159.8 ENP $2.1 13 $29.59

14 Local Partner Agencies 14 Social/Human Services Jewish Family Services –Counseling –Home delivered meals –Kosher Food Ban Jewish Vocational Services –Employment counseling Jewish Home for the Aging Senior Housing Hebrew Free Loan Jewish Hospitals Jewish Education/Identity Jewish Day Schools Congregational Schools Hillel Taglit Birthright/Israel Experiences Jewish Overnight Camps Jewish Community Center Bureau of Jewish Education Teen Programs Museums/Memorials PJ Library Moishe House

15 National Agencies 15 National Agency Alliance American Jewish World Service Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies BBYO Foundation for Jewish Culture Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Hillel: the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Jewish Community Center Association Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Telegraphic Agency NCSJ: Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, the Baltic States and Eurasia Other Agencies American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League Jewish Labor Committee Jewish War Veterans World Conference of Jewish Communal Service Multiple Schools of Jewish Communal Service

16 Funding to Israel and Overseas 16 Unrestricted (aka “Core”) Emergency Designated

17 The Trend in Total Overseas Distributions 17

18 JFNA’s Partner Agencies 18 The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Children at Risk Empowerment and Training International Development Program Next Generation/Entwine Research and Development Strengthening Jewish Life Welfare and Social Services The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Aliyah, Klitah and Rescue Community Services and Activities Israel Experiences Jewish Unity Activities Partnerships Shlichim and Israel Fellows Youth Activism World ORT Israel – Affiliated Schools, Smart Classes, Teacher Training Day Schools in FSU Educational Resources and Supports

19 The Case for Unrestricted Giving Unrestricted support is a distinguishing feature of the Federation system Critical to maintaining Federations' relevance and market share Federations versus Foundations Global reach, consistency and durability “We were there on September 11 th because we were there on September 10 th ” — John Ruskay Services address today's needs; partners evolve to address tomorrow's 19

20 20

21 Operation Protective Edge 21

22 Federation Roles 22 Broad community view Identification of needs/trends Community convener Standards and evaluation Capacity building Leadership development Advocacy Fund development and allocation

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