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MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Service Performance Measurement Review and Discussion Full Workgroup Meeting July 31, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Service Performance Measurement Review and Discussion Full Workgroup Meeting July 31, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Service Performance Measurement Review and Discussion Full Workgroup Meeting July 31, 2007

2 MTAC WG 114 IBM presentation on measuring service performance (April 13) USPS Intelligent Mail/Seamless Acceptance presentations (Feb 21, April 13, May 15, June 13, July 11 & numerous subgroup meetings) International Post Corporation (IPC) (July 11) Comments to PRC Notice on Service Standards/Measurement (July 16-30) Countless hours of workgroup/subgroup discussion… What Have We Learned About Service Performance Measurement?

3 MTAC WG 114 Test mail sampling should be representative of real mail flows (base design on real data) Define the measurement period and precision level Follow live mailing patterns to extent possible Meet desired stratification and geographic coverage by spreading inductions and receipts accordingly Sample size determined by precision level desired, time period, variability of population, number of sample groups to be measured (larger sample sizes can improve precision) IBM Take-Aways…

4 MTAC WG 114 Start the Clock and Stop the Clock validation rules needed Monitor management a critical component Data analysis/data exclusion processes needed Quality assurance processes critical IBM Take-Aways…

5 MTAC WG 114 Intelligent Mail will provide the best measurement solution There are some smaller volume product mailstreams where Intelligent Mail is not a viable solution Start the Clock validation is key for data inclusion in service performance measurement For some products, last equipment scan can serve as proxy for actual delivery date Mailings that do not meet established preparation requirement tolerances will not be included in service performance measurement USPS Take-Aways…

6 MTAC WG 114 “The focus should be on improving service performance, not measuring it…” “There is a tendency to over-complicate measurement…” “Precision in measurement should be approached with care because it can be a significant cost driver…” “Variability in service performance may require more measurement…if performance is consistently high, less measures are needed, but if performance drops below an acceptable point then more measurement may be needed to identify issues and improve service (e.g., if performance is 50%, +/- 10% precision may be ok)” IPC Take-Aways…

7 MTAC WG 114 Measurement as a by-product of operations using real mail is best Measurement does not always have to be end-to-end mail flow; measurement of network segments (using different methods) can provide end-to-end as a by-product “There can be enormous expense to measure small volumes with as much precision as high volumes…” In the IPC member countries, the tendency now is to have the post perform the measurement with audit versus a separate system performed by the regulator. IPC Take-Aways…

8 MTAC WG 114 Intelligent Mail/internal measurement solutions preferred where available Measurement should lead to continuous service improvement Consolidated/Aggregate measurement data needed by business mail users to manage their business or add value to mail CETs must be linked to standards and measurement Measurement systems may be evolutionary Periodic review of standards/measurement systems PRC Notice Comments Take-Aways…

9 MTAC WG 114 Does the workgroup want to make specific recommendations on measurement sampling methodologies? Or over-arching recommendations on measurement needs? Acknowledge that in the remaining time, the workgroup will not be able to fully evaluate and complete very specific measurement recommendations… –Make as many guiding recommendations as possible –Recommend further review process (service performance measurement implementation group? MTAC workgroups? This workgroup reconvened in x months?) Workgroup Decisions on Measurement…

10 MTAC WG 114 Business mail users need service performance measurement systems that: –Balance cost of measurement with service needs of users –Provide the USPS with actionable data to identify service issues and improve performance –Provide business mail users with data to better manage their businesses and add value to the mail General Recommendations?

11 MTAC WG 114 Business mail users prefer Intelligent Mail measurement solutions, where available, because: –Less costly, largely passive technology –Measurement as by-product of operations, more volume can be measured easily, more accurate data –Provides the USPS with very granular, real-time, and actionable data to identify service issues and improve performance –Provides more data than likely is needed for statistical representation, allowing for in-depth diagnostics and sufficient data after data exclusion processes –Data and reporting consistency (Confirm data vs service performance measurement data) –Provides business mail users with data to better manage their businesses and add value to the mail General Recommendations?

12 MTAC WG 114 Business mail users recognize there may be a need for some external (seed) measurement solutions, but recommend: –Costs be minimized (e.g., replace existing and new external measurement with IM measurement when possible, evaluate existing industry solutions, etc.) –Ensure that test mail is not the major flow of product volume mailstream being measured –Explore industry seed programs –Proven, existing measurement solutions –Fabrication of test mail impossible or impractical General Recommendations?

13 MTAC WG 114 Measurement quality metrics are needed –There need to be quality standards for Start the Clock processes/scans and for Stop the Clock processes/scans –Plan for improvement over time –Recommendations need to be formed around such metrics General Recommendations?

14 MTAC WG 114 Other measurement recommendations… –Internal USPS measurement systems should be audited –Measurement systems will be evolutionary and should be reviewed periodically (USPS and customer review) General Recommendations?

15 MTAC WG 114 Measurement systems may be implemented over time, taking costs and product volumes into account –Initial focus on high volume product mailstreams –Not ALL measurement needs to be fully implemented in the next year (or two?) –Review by USPS/mailers as measurement systems are implemented (learn as we go) General Recommendations?

16 MTAC WG 114 How to approach small volume product mailstreams where IM is not a viable solution? –Measure over longer period? Less statistical precision? –Increased measurement if consistent performance issues? –External measurement with sampling methods that recognize costs and size of mailstream? –Does this workgroup have recommendations, or should the USPS/PRC decide? Over-arching recommendations from workgroup, details by USPS/PRC? Open Issues for Discussion…

17 MTAC WG 114 What data is included/excluded from Service Performance Measurement system (versus raw data provided to mailers through Confirm/DelCon, etc.) –Mailers want to be able to discuss service issues with USPS using the same data –Mailers feel there is value in analyzing all data (e.g., identifying USPS scanning issues or mailer issues) –Including data on mailings with presort/barcode/address quality errors but reporting that data separately can be a valuable tool for USPS and mailers to improve mail prep and diagnosing service issues Open Issues for Discussion…

18 MTAC WG 114 Measurement Approaches –Is end-to-end network measurement always necessary? –Measure network segments? –The goal is to improve service… Open Issues for Discussion…

19 MTAC WG 114 MTAC Workgroup 114 Thanks for your Participation!

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