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The Environment, Green Growth & Agriculture Horsens, Denmark, 5 June 2012 Simon Upton Director OECD Environment Directorate For more information, see

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Presentation on theme: "The Environment, Green Growth & Agriculture Horsens, Denmark, 5 June 2012 Simon Upton Director OECD Environment Directorate For more information, see"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Environment, Green Growth & Agriculture Horsens, Denmark, 5 June 2012 Simon Upton Director OECD Environment Directorate For more information, see

2 Linking economy and environment Health & environment Local air pollution (under construction) Land use Yield efficiency Biodiversity Energy use Fuel prices Energy efficiency 2 Deforestation GHG emissions Climate change Water stress & water quality Economic growth Population & demographicsCapital supplyNatural resources Bioenergy

3 Environmental State and Pressures Source: OECD (2012), OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050, Baseline projection using IMAGE model suite 3 CO 2 concentrations 3 - 6°C by 2100 450 ppm

4 Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture Source: Environmental Outlook to 2050, projections from ENV-Linkages model

5 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Baseline; output from IMAGE 5 Environmental Outlook to 2050: Water Global water demand: Baseline scenario, 2000 and 2050 +400% +130% +140%

6 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Baseline; output from IMAGE 6 Environmental Outlook to 2050: Nitrogen Balance Nitrogen surpluses per hectare from agriculture: 1970-2050

7 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Baseline; output from IMAGE 7 Environmental Outlook to 2050: Water

8 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Baseline; output from IMAGE 8 Environmental Outlook to 2050: Biodiversity Effects of different pressures on terrestrial MSA: Baseline, 2010 to 2050

9 Challenges are so big that we can’t afford expensive solutions

10 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Baseline; output from IMAGE 10 Environmental Outlook to 2050: What policies do we need? Make pollution more costly Value and price the natural assets and ecosystem services Remove environmentally harmful subsidies Devise effective regulations and standards Encourage green innovation

11 Israeli freshwater use (2009) a a)Or latest available year Source: OECD, Environment Directorate. 11

12 Israeli economic efficiency of agricultural water use, 1986-2008 Source: OECD (2010), OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Israel, 2010. 12 Agricultural output value per m 3 of water used for irrigation Real agricultural freshwater price (deflated by the consumer price index)

13 Israeli Patents in selected environment & climate-related technologies Patent counts are based on the priority date, the inventor’s country of residence and use fractional counts on PCT filings at international phase (EPO designations). Source: OECD (2011), OECD Patent Statistics Database ; OECD, Environment Directorate. 13

14 Inventive Activity in Solid Waste Management in Germany 14 Mandatory Waste Recovery Packaging Waste Recycling Law Note: The Figure shows the number of patent applications filed under the Patent Co-operation Treaty. Source: OECD Patent Statistics Database; OECD Indicator of Environmental Technologies. EPR Law Landfilling Law

15 What you don’t know can hurt you

16 Thank you For more information, see

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