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IRCC 7 01-03 June 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico) Report of the Capacity Buildung Sub-Committee Thomas Dehling CBSC Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "IRCC 7 01-03 June 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico) Report of the Capacity Buildung Sub-Committee Thomas Dehling CBSC Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRCC 7 01-03 June 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico) Report of the Capacity Buildung Sub-Committee Thomas Dehling CBSC Chair

2 Contents  Capacity Building Strategy  CB Management  Contribution to CB  Joint CB  Challenges  CB Work Programme  Next Meeting  Proposals

3 Capacity Building Strategy  CBSC revised the Capacity Building Strategy  IRCC was kept involved in the revision process all the time  The revised CB strategy was presented at EIHC-5. The Conference endorsed the revised CB Strategy unanimously.  All the comments received from the delegates were positive.  This revised Strategy is considered as an excellent basis for the future work in Capacity Building.

4 Capacity Building Strategy  Capacity Building issues played a prominent role at 5 EIHC – The CB poster exhibition, topics and presentations improved the visibility and highlighted the importance of CB to a wide audience.  CBSC is working on further PR measures. The posters from the CB exhibition at EIHC 5 will be made available at the IHO Capacity Building web page.  All IHO MS are invited to use them to further spread the importance, needs and the success of CB during other occasions.

5 CB Management  CB Coordinators – All RHCs (except ARHC) should be represented at the CBSC and its meetings. USCHC representative was highly missed. – also highly recommended that CB Coordinators are nominated for at least two years and don´t change with the RHC chair (CB Coordinator Terms of Reference, paragraph 2 and 5)  Improvement of C-55 – The current C-55 is still the only basis for the status of Hydrography worldwide. – CBSC recommends that an online update of C-55 should be given the highest priority within the further development of that publication.

6 CB Management  MSDI training and education  CB Procedures – Procedure 9 “Guidelines to conduct Technical Visits” has been drafted. The draft procedure will be reviewed together with the experiences gained before a final adoption at the CBSC14.  The timeliness and completeness of the submissions have improved very much in recent years. The Sub-Committee extends its thanks to the RHCs for their efforts in this regard.  Performance Indicators

7 Contribution to CB  Contribution from Republic of Korea to the Capacity Building – Major projects funded by the ROK contribution to the CB Fund: – Funding of students from IHO MS for the CAT A course at USM, – Training for Trainer project, – CAT B Module Course program held at KHOA, Busan, ROK.  Contribution of Japan through the Nippon Foundation (NF) to the IHO Capacity-Building Programme – IHO has implemented the NF-IHO Cartography, Hydrography and Related Training (NF-IHO CHART) Project, fully funded by the NF.

8 Joint Capacity Building  Annual Joint CB Coordination meeting of IHO, IMO, IOC, WMO, IALA, FIG and IAEA FIG office in Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2014.  This informal cooperation is very helpful to – exchange the information and share the experiences, – come up with common projects, – foster the visibility of CB programmes globally.  Currently, the joint group is working on the development of a joint complex CB project.

9 Challenges (1)  growing success of CB growing administrative  growing success of CB → growing administrative – The CBSC wishes to highlight the fundamental support from Ms. Bianca Costin, CB Assistant at the IHB mid of 2013 to end of 2014 – the missing support has a negative effect on the CB Management – the execution of the Capacity Building Work Programme for 2015 and the following years is at risk. – Interim solution by allocating funds for CB assistance  Continuing limitations for the administrative support of the CB at the IHB has the potential to adversely affect the CB work programme.  Continuing limitations for the administrative support of the CB at the IHB has the potential to adversely affect the CB work programme.

10 Challenges (2)  CB Funds . . 2014IHOROKNipponTotal Balance 2013 288.864,58231.001,790,00519.866,37 Income 45.000,00220.550,00204.219,25469.769,25 Expenditures -168.260,37-268.523,18-204.219,25-641.002,80 Balance 2014 165.604,21183.028,610,00348.632,82 2015 IHOROKNipponTotal Balance 2014 165.604,21183.028,610,00348.632,82 Income 45.000,00320.000,00192.145,00557.145,00 Expenditures -192.332,00-520.430,00-192.145,00-904.907,00 Balance 2015 18.272,21-17.401,390,00870,82 2016 IHOROKNipponTotal Balance 2015 18.272,21-17.401,390,00870,82 Income 45.000,000,00195.000,00240.000,00 Expenditures 0,00 -195.000,00 Balance 2016 63.272,21-17.401,390,0045.870,82 Partially estimated figurescurrency: €

11 CB Work Programme  Capacity Building Work Programme 2015 – WP 2015 has been updated. – Expenditures are planned of roughly 900.000€ – The available budget will completely be used to execute the CBWP – If not all activities are being executed, a small amount of funds will be transferred to 2016.

12 CB Work Programme  Capacity Building Work Programme 2016 – Submissions of almost 1 Mio € accepted. – At this stage, only the regular contribution from the IHB (45.000€) and NF funded course are guaranteed. – It is expected, that the contribution from ROK will be extended. They will possibly be completely used for PMB projects. – For the regular submissions not earmarked only 45.000€ will be available at this stage. – Most of the regular submissions have to await the allocation of additional funds.

13 CB Work Programme  RHCs are strongly encouraged to submit projects for 2017.  Good and sufficient submissions are as important as the funds and no funds will be allocated without a good perspective for the CB activities.  Every effort should be made to get involved in comprehensive projects in the regions. Some RHCs are already very successful in doing this.  projects that embrace several disciplines besides hydrography can be the next step of IHO CB

14 Next Meeting  The UAE kindly offered to host the next CBSC meeting in Abu Dhabi. The CBSC sees the advantages of having the CBSC 14 meeting in 2016 back to back with the IRCC 8 as usual. Thus, the CBSC proposes to have the 14th CBSC meeting in Abu Dhabi, UAE from 24 to 26 May 2016.  For 2017 Surinam already announced the willingness to host both IRCC 6 and CBSC 12 meetings.  At CBSC 13 India volunteered for 2018 to host the CBSC and the IRCC meeting in Goa. IRCC is invited to consider the invitation.

15 Proposals IRCC is invited to a. take note of the report; b. consider the potential impact of the limitations on IHB secretariat support available to the CB activities; c. by considering decision 10 from EIHC 5, to invite the IRCC members and the IHB to allocate additional contributions to the CB Fund; d. invite the RHCs to develop comprehensive projects to facilitate raising funds from Donor agencies; e. remind MSs via the RHCs to update C-55 annually (if need be “no changes”); f. invite the RHCs to provide their PR measures in CB with the IHB and to use the posters from EIHC 5 CB exhibition;

16 Proposals IRCC is invited to g. invite RHCs to provide reports of Technical Visits within 2 weeks after the visit is executed and to provide those reports for TVs in 2014 that have not yet been sent to the IHB; h. invite the MSDIWG to develop more syllabi for different training courses and support the CBSC by increasing the number of trainers for MSDI; i. take action to update the IHO Publication C-16 (1st edition 2007) National Hydrographic Regulations; j. take any other actions as appropriate.

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