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What has been happening around the globe? APEC Taskforce July 2008, Auckland Kathy Perreau Ministry of Transport New Zealand.

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Presentation on theme: "What has been happening around the globe? APEC Taskforce July 2008, Auckland Kathy Perreau Ministry of Transport New Zealand."— Presentation transcript:

1 What has been happening around the globe? APEC Taskforce July 2008, Auckland Kathy Perreau Ministry of Transport New Zealand

2 Global Environment Price of fuel: oil trading around US$140 a barrel and jet fuel above US$170 per barrel Global “credit crunch” Discussion under UNFCCC / Kyoto Protocol EU-ETS agreement ICAO/ GIAC: Recent second meeting of a high level group in Montreal, Set up of working groups covering goals, measures and monitoring.

3 United Nations Climate Change Convention and the Kyoto Protocol “Bali road map” and focus on conclusions by Copenhagen 2009 Debate around country responsibilities going forward (targets and who pays?) “Ad hoc working group” on Kyoto Protocol includes discussion on bunker fuels Many developing countries using the principle “common but differentiated responsibility” to argue that no measures (including those on international trips) should be at a cost to them. The same arguments coming up in International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and ICAO

4 EU Emissions Trading Scheme 8 th July compromise agreement reached Affects international flights in and out of Europe from 2012 Airlines to reduce emissions or buy allowances –85 % of allowances to be allocated, according to a benchmark, 15% to be auctioned. Revenues to go to climate change measures Airline companies with low level of activity not included. Responses?

5 Thank you

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