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1 CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming Spring 2012 netBeans & GUIBuilder  netBeans IDE create/edit/run a project  GUIBuilder JFrame, JButton, JTextField,

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Presentation on theme: "1 CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming Spring 2012 netBeans & GUIBuilder  netBeans IDE create/edit/run a project  GUIBuilder JFrame, JButton, JTextField,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming Spring 2012 netBeans & GUIBuilder  netBeans IDE create/edit/run a project  GUIBuilder JFrame, JButton, JTextField, JTextArea, … model-view-control pattern

2 2 BlueJ  netBeans BlueJ is an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) designed for novice programmers  simple to use  visual interface makes class vs. object distinction clear  can directly manipulate objects & call methods using mouse clicks  can also write and execute statements in the Code Pad however, it is somewhat limiting to experienced programmers netBeans is a popular, industry-strength IDE for developing software  free & open-source  multi-platform (Mac, Windows, Linux)  multi-language (Java, PHP, C/C++, …)  has an integrated GUI builder  download from

3 Create a project 3

4 Select location & project name 4

5 Adding a file to the project 5

6 Select location & file/class name 6

7 Can then edit the default file 7

8 Completing a project each class in the project is its own file  one class must have a public static void main method  when you run the project, this main method is executed 8

9 Editor features code completion when type OBJECT., see list of method options Source menu Formatwill try to indent selected lines consistently Shift Left / Shift Rightwill manually indent selected lines Toggle Commentcomments/uncomments selected lines Refactor  Renamecan change a class/variable/method name throughout the project Run  Build Main Projectcompile all classes in the project  Run Main Projectexecute the main method 9

10 example: Magic 8-ball create a new project named Magic  use the default option to create a default main class named TerminalUI download the class into the src folder of this project define a new class named Magic8Ball  has a 3-sided Die object as a field  has a getAnswer method that takes a String as input (a question) and returns one of 3 possible answers at random: "Definitely", "No way", or "Outlook hazy" in the main method of the TerminalUI class,  prompt the user for a question  call getAnswer and display the answer 10

11 MVC pattern model-view-controller is a software pattern used to develop reusable, modular software  goal: isolate the application-specific logic from the user interface  allows for independent testing & development, easy updates for this example:  the model consists of the logic of the application – Die & Magic8Ball  the view is the Java terminal window  the controller is the TerminalUI class with its text-based input/output  by separating the logic from the interface, it makes it possible to plug in a different interface, e.g., a Graphical User Interface (GUI) 11

12 GUIBuilder netBeans has an integrated GUI builder built-in  can create a (Swing) GUI using a drag-and-drop interface 12

13 Naming the GUI class 13

14 GUI design view 14

15 Build interface drag GUI elements from the Palette onto the Design Frame  can arrange, resize, alter Properties of the elements  in particular, right click and change names of elements to be meaningful (e.g., questionArea, answerButton, answerBox) 15

16 Associate events with elements 16 right click on element, select the event you want to handle

17 Source view click on the Source button to see the generated code 17

18 Completing the GUI add the Controller code to the GUI class  here, Magic8Ball object is a field, initialized in constructor  code for I/O & method call are entered into the event-handler method 18

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