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Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation Franklin Delano Roosevelt Groups Members’ Names: Aj Pellegrino, Linnea Meyer, Zach Cuttle.

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Presentation on theme: "Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation Franklin Delano Roosevelt Groups Members’ Names: Aj Pellegrino, Linnea Meyer, Zach Cuttle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation Franklin Delano Roosevelt Groups Members’ Names: Aj Pellegrino, Linnea Meyer, Zach Cuttle

2 FDR He was in a wheelchair 32 nd President He was the creator of the “New Deal”

3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND December 8, 1941 Because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor World War II - The US declared war against Japan,

4 Summary Franklin D. Roosevelt is talking to the vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives about what just happened December 7, 1941. Pear Harbor had been attacked by Japan and the country served a big loss. Japan Bombed the island of Oahu. They also attacked other places around the Pacific. So Roosevelt wanted to declare war.

5 RELEVANCE Because Pear Harbor was a major event, where America got caught by surprise. In Roosevelt speech he describes why America should go to war against Japan. Not only because Pear Harbor but because of all the other places they attacked to and they needed to be stopped! This speech has withstood the test of time just because of this reason. Peral Harbor is an very big and important deal not just for America but for the whole world. It was in this moment that America joined World War II.

6 LITERARY DEVICES Provide at least three examples of literary devices from the text. Copy the passage and label the device used. 1.“The United States was at peace.” - Metaphor 2.“a date which will live in infamy.” Personification 3.“The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.” - Hyperbole

7 Makin’ It Good! Add: –Pictures. –Effects. –Color. –Wording that everyone understands. –Your own take on what you learned from your research.

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