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Moti Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Supervisors: Prof. Mark Last, Mr. Hanan Friedman.

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Presentation on theme: "Moti Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Supervisors: Prof. Mark Last, Mr. Hanan Friedman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moti Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Supervisors: Prof. Mark Last, Mr. Hanan Friedman

2 Velocities Vibrations Pressures Telemetry Bit Errors

3 The goal of this project is to develop an advanced, generic offline data selector that will receive N streams of data and output an integrated stream which reconstructs the real data in the best way possible. The system that will be implemented is a generic offline SDS that will support multiple inputs including post integration of late inputs. Sophisticated algorithms for selecting and correcting raw data and allow the user utilizing self-written algorithms. The system output will provide valuable statistical information that can be used by professionals for better understanding of the process that generated the data. Main-objectives:

4 Current Project Status: Literature review. System characterization. ARD. Defining a set of real and synthetic benchmarks that will be used to test the system. Defining quality measurements that will be used to evaluate the benchmarks. Detailed UML. Working prototype – including unit testing.

5 Prototype GUI


7 Future aspects Complete ADD Final testing of prototype GUI design and implementation Distributed functionality Write complicated algorithms Statistical tests

8 Algorithm: - BitVoting. -Pattern recognition. -User Algorithm. 11010101101010 10010101001010 10010001001000 10010101001010 10010101001010 Origin data Station A Station B Station C BitVote

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