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Hi I’m going to talk to you about sound pollution. Sound pollution is a sound which is a really annoying noise which you hear every day/ night e.g.

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3 Hi I’m going to talk to you about sound pollution. Sound pollution is a sound which is a really annoying noise which you hear every day/ night e.g. planes taking off big trucks coming past. Sound pollution can damage babies kids adults and old peoples hearing that’s one of the reasons people can’t hear.

4 Sound pollution is a sound nobody likes and its not cool heres why It interferers with your sleep What I mean by that is e.g. planes taking of all night motor bikes coming past your house every night cars speeding back and forward. It would get really annoying after a while and you would be tired and grumpy.

5 Ear damage is horrible I can tell you right now you would Hate it. Here’s one of the reasons people have EAR DAMAGE because they live near the airport trucks come past there houses delivering stuff living near landfills or motor way and stereos vehicles are one of the reasons people have hearing problems.


7 Course One of the courses of sound pollution is airplane. Noise from planes flying over residential areas impairs people's ability to work, learn in school and sleep, and consequently also results in lowered property values in affected areas.

8 Causes SOUND POLLUTION My second cause of sound pollution is cars. Cars are a big problem because they are really noisy and that means SOUND POLLUTION and that’s not good its making the world a dirtier place. Cars can make a lot of sound pollution and when you turn the radio up it makes it worst MORE SOUND POLLUTION!!!

9 Causes My last course of sound pollution is boats. Boats are very noisy and there also killing creatures living in the OCEAN!!! Boats are really bad.

10 Effects Ear Damage Airplanes can cause effects which are really bad like……… Ear Damage Sleep LostSleep Lost Also it interferer learning and workAlso it interferer learning and work

11 Solution Some of the solutions for sound pollution walk Bike Scoter Less noisy music or no music

12 People= Miss Tuck Chelsea’s Mum & Dad Resources= wikipedea

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