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Attention. Broadbent’s ( 1958 ) Filter Theory of Selective Attention Message A Message B Message C Message D Selective Filter Limited capacity decision.

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Presentation on theme: "Attention. Broadbent’s ( 1958 ) Filter Theory of Selective Attention Message A Message B Message C Message D Selective Filter Limited capacity decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attention

2 Broadbent’s ( 1958 ) Filter Theory of Selective Attention Message A Message B Message C Message D Selective Filter Limited capacity decision channel Long term memory B Responses 感覺  知覺 Senses are the physiological methods of perception.

3 Cocktail party effect

4 Broadbent’s ( 1958 ) Filter Theory of Selective Attention Selective attention is what people colloquially think of when they think of "attention." It is attending to one stimuli while ignoring other competing stimuli.

5 Three primary theories of selective attention Filter theory : Attention filters out extraneous information –Basic filter theory (Broadbent) –Attenuation ( weakened ) theory (Triesman) –Late-filter theory ( only some conscious ) (Deutsch & Deutsch) Bottleneck theory : Attention is a bottleneck that prevents extraneous information from getting through. (Similar to filter theory) Resource theory : Attention is a resource-based process, and once the resource is used up, no other information can be attended to. –Driving and conversing with the person next to you vs. Driving and talking on a cell phone

6 Broadbent’s ( 1958 ) Filter Theory of Selective Attention Message A Message B Message C Message D Selective Filter Limited capacity decision channel Long term memory B Responses Emails Chats RSS Feeds Text Messages ? Post Emails

7 "Top-Down" and "Bottom-Up" The filter can be directed by top-down or bottom- up influences. Top- down influences include a person's own intentions and expectations. –If I am trying to read a book, then my intention to read will direct my attention to the words on the page, constituting a top-down influence. Bottom-up influences, by contrast, are directed by stimuli in the world that "catch" our attention. –If someone taps me on the shoulder while I'm reading, the tap will direct my attention away from the book and toward that person, constituting a bottom-up influence.

8 Sensory Store in Channel Theory

9 Shadowing 1.Each of ear listens to a different message (dichotic presentation) 2.The listener is required to repeat the message that goes to one of the ears

10 Stroop effect 1.Selectively attending to the color and ignoring the word 2.Two processes interfere with each other 3.One is automatic

11 紅 藍 綠 黃 黑


13 Paying attention Consciousness: 1.Internal stimuli: one’s state of mind 2.External stimuli: features of environment 3.Oneself: personal existence Attention: 1.Enormous amount of information to our senses 2.Limited amount that we perceive Application:

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