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Video QoE and Standards Sales Training 05-Nov-2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Video QoE and Standards Sales Training 05-Nov-2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video QoE and Standards Sales Training 05-Nov-2007

2 What is Changing?  Current standards focus on:  QoS, not QoE  Static requirements, not dynamic measurement  Systems not relevant for IP video (e.g. J.144)  Urgent need for standardized QoE tools for IP video applications  QoS not enough  Pressure to deploy QoE solutions now

3 Breaking Down QoE Standards  Standard MOS  People know what MOS = 4 means  MOS prediction that is reliable  Predicted MOS matches viewer experience  Evaluation using large database and standardized subjective experiments  MOS prediction that is reproducible  Standard algorithm to compute MOS  Detailed specification (equations, parameters, etc.)  No need for protocol interoperability or network interfacing as with other standards

4 Relevant Groups  Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG)  ITU-T Study Group 9  ITU-T Study Group 12  ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF)  Video Services Forum (VSF)  SCTE  IPTV Focus Group (ITU-T)  DSL Forum  Open IPTV Forum  SMPTE  CableLabs  IETF Focus on QoE model evaluation (key groups) Focus on interoperability and requirements

5 Summary for Service Provider  QoE monitoring solutions critical for video service success  QoS not enough, pressure to deploy QoE solutions now  Full standards to be expected by 2009-2010  Activities in various groups accelerate & converge  Vendors align systems with standards in 2009-2010  QoE standards do not involve interoperability between vendors  No protocol or network interfacing issues  Standardizes measurements only  Now safe to deploy pre-standard solutions  What to do in the meantime?  Provide input to standards groups  Use QoE solution that already works well today (providing reliable, reproducible video MOS)  Use QoE vendor active in key standards groups  Deploy solutions flexible to align to standards in future

6 Backup

7 VQEG  Established 1997 (EPFL/SYMM involvement)  ITU study group members, universities, private industry  ITU-T J.144, ITU-R BS.1367 (2003)-FR-TV (MPEG-2 only, no IP)  “Multimedia” test (content-based)  Model submission: 2Q/2007, Recommendation: late 2008  Proponents: Psytechnics, Opticom, Swissqual, NTT, Yonsei Univ., KDDI, SYMM, NTIA, Nortel  Symmetricom submitted Full Reference metric proposal  RR/NR-TV test (content-based)  Model submission: 1Q/2008, Recommendation: 2009  Proponents: NTIA, NEC, Tektronix, Yonsei Univ., BT

8 VQEG (Ctd).  HDTV test (content-based)  Model submission: 4Q/2008, Recommendation: 2009-2010  Key proponents: NTIA, NEC, Yonsei, NTT, KDDI, Opticom, Nortel  Hybrid/bitstream test (just launched)  Model submission: 4Q/2008, Recommendation: 2009-2010  Proponents: Psytechnics, KDDI, BT, NTT, NEC, Yonsei Univ., SwissQual, Opticom, Telchemy, Tektronix, NTIA, FT, DT, Witbe, QualiDeo, Ghent Univ., Toyama Univ.

9 ITU-T SG12  Performance and quality of service  Symmetricom will contribute to the P.NAMS (Non-intrusive parametric model for assessment of multimedia streaming)  Video + audio  Inputs: –Packet info (loss rate/pattern, jitter, RTP/UDP/TCP header) –Codec info –Client info (buffering, decoder)  Excludes payload information  Core model + packet parameter extraction model  G.OMVS (“Opinion model for video streaming”)  Symmetricom will contribute to the G.OMVS  Symmetricom engaged with NTT to establish a common interest working group.

10 VSF  Interoperability, quality metrics  Artel, AT&T, Dimetis, Evertz, Fox, Harmonic, Harris, Ineoquest, Level 3, Media Links, Net Insight, Spirent, Tandberg, Verizon, VideoClarity  Test and Measurements Activity Group  Completed work in 4Q/2006  “Recommended Video over IP Metrics”, Dec. 2006  Symmetricom started the process for establishing a QoE group at VSF meeting in Oct. 2007  Sponsored by at&t  Proposal to VSF board members complete.

11 ATIS IIF  QoSM Task Force  Telchemy, Tektronix, Telcordia, Verizon, AT&T, BT, Nortel, Ericsson, Motorola, Qwest, JDSU, Cisco  “QoE Model for Video, Audio, Multimedia and Transactions” (WT-005)  Plans to incorporate “Quality of Experience Requirements for IPTV” (FG-IPTV, DSL-Forum)  Symmetricom will be active participant and will support synchronization of ATIS efforts with VSF.

12 SCTE HMS  Hybrid Management Sub-layer (HMS) Committee  Management and monitoring interfaces for broadband technologies.  Cable MSO’s, vendors of network components, and expert industry consultants.  Quarterly meetings.  1 st proposal to be provided in January 2008.  Symmetricom sponsored by Time Warner.

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