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Teacher: Ma Ching Man Course: Course for secondary school teachers on teaching science education KLA in the English medium Course date: 16/6/2014-20/6/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher: Ma Ching Man Course: Course for secondary school teachers on teaching science education KLA in the English medium Course date: 16/6/2014-20/6/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher: Ma Ching Man Course: Course for secondary school teachers on teaching science education KLA in the English medium Course date: 16/6/2014-20/6/2014 Teaching plan: (Biology) Mitotic cell division Target group: S4 students Mitotic cell division

2 Cell growth Cell division Revision: Cell cycle

3 first growth phase Cell cycle G1G1 new organelles made, e.g.: –mitochondria –chloroplasts proteins made

4 synthesis phase Cell cycle S DNA replicates

5 G2G2 stores of energy increase cell grows to maximum size second growth phase Cell cycle

6 Cell division Mitotic cell division Meiotic cell division Cell division

7 Stage 2: cytoplasmic division Two stages in mitotic cell division Stage 1: nuclear division Mitotic cell division There are 4 phases in this stage.

8 1 Prophase chromosome appears as two chromatids nuclear membrane disintegrates Mitotic cell division Nuclear division (4 phases) pro - comes from proto - meaning first

9 What forms do the chromosomes take? Mitotic cell division 1 Prophase

10 chromosomes line up in the middle Mitotic cell division 2 Metaphase meta - means after or next

11 Where are the chromosomes located? Mitotic cell division 2 Metaphase

12 chromatids separate and move to opposite poles cytoplasm starts to divide Mitotic cell division 3 Anaphase ana - means again or repeated

13 What happens to the chromosomes? Mitotic cell division 3 Anaphase

14 nuclear membranes form Mitotic cell division chromosomes uncoil to become chromatin 4 Telophase telo - comes from telos meaning last or final

15 Mitotic cell division What happens to the chromosomes? 4 Telophase

16 animal cells The cell membrane constricts inwards, forming two genetically identical cells. cell membrane Cytoplasmic division Mitotic cell division

17 plant cells The cell plate, which grows outwards and divides the cell. Mitotic cell division

18 Class activity: “Ice-bar stick” model Task Use the sticks to demonstrate and explain the stages and phases to your classmates. Mitotic cell division

19 chromatids chromosome Class activity: “Ice-bar stick” model ice-bar sticks represent

20 Prophase chromosome appears as two chromatids nuclear membrane disintegrates

21 chromosomes line up in the middle Metaphase

22 sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles cytoplasm starts to divide Anaphase

23 chromosomes uncoil to become chromatin nuclear membranes form Telophase

24 Video Task To identify the stages and phases from the video.

25 cytoplasmic division nuclear division cell division prophase metaphase anaphase telophase Summary

26 1.Observe the photomicrograph of cells in the onion root tip. 2.Identify the stages and phases. Exercise: Examination of different stages and phases of mitotic cell division

27 A B C D E F G H I J Onion root tip (L.S.)

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