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The Northern Workplace 9-23. Expanding Industries  Telegraph  By 1861-Telegraph wires ran coast to coast.

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Presentation on theme: "The Northern Workplace 9-23. Expanding Industries  Telegraph  By 1861-Telegraph wires ran coast to coast."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Northern Workplace 9-23

2 Expanding Industries  Telegraph  By 1861-Telegraph wires ran coast to coast

3 Expanding Industries  Cotton Mills  By 1850, 1/5 of the nation’s total cotton cloth output was from Massachusetts


5 Lowell Cotton Mill, 1840

6 Laborers  Immigrants  Urban Dwellers  Farmers

7 Immigrants  1845-1854:2.4 million immigrants arrive in America; instantly 14.5% percent of the population.

8 Immigrants  Largest Immigrant population: Irish, then German.  Almost completely in the North

9 Immigration, 1820-1850


11 Immigrants  By 1850-New Irish-Americans made up over half the population of NYC and Boston

12 Urban Dwellers  1860-NYC is first city to reach 1 million people

13 Urban Dwellers  BY 1850-90% of Urban centers were in the North

14 Urban Dwellers  1834-Lowell Mill Strike in Lowell, Massachusetts

15 Southern Farmers  By 1860: 75% of Southern Farmers operated small, poor farms.

16 Southern Farmers  By 1860: Only 5% were large plantation owners with slaves

17 Southern Farmers  By 1860: Those 5% owned 93% of the South’s Wealth

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