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Clean Cities / 1 COALITION NAME Clean Cities Program Overview Presenter Title E-mail Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Cities / 1 COALITION NAME Clean Cities Program Overview Presenter Title E-mail Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Cities / 1 COALITION NAME Clean Cities Program Overview Presenter Title E-mail Date

2 Clean Cities / 2 Department of Energy Mission To advance the national, economic, and energy security of the U.S; to promote scientific and technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex.

3 Clean Cities / 3 Clean Cities Sponsored by the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Vehicle Technologies program Provides a framework for businesses and governments to work together as a coalition to enhance markets Coordinate activities, identify mutual interests, develop regional economic opportunities, and improve air quality Clean Cities’ Mission To advance the energy, economic, and environmental security of the U.S. by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption in the transportation sector.

4 Clean Cities / 4 Clean Cities Today 87 active coalitions in 45 states 775,000 AFVs using alternative fuels 6,600 AFV stations 8,400 + stakeholders

5 Clean Cities / 5 Clean Cities Stakeholders Coalitions are made up of local and national stakeholders. Over 4,000 local stakeholders 49% private stakeholders

6 Clean Cities / 6 Create jobs and commercial opportunities Educate fleets, elected officials, and the general public Encourage the use of alternative technologies Expand infrastructure Increase demand and help develop market-driven products Increase public awareness Support regulated fleets Clean Cities Strengthens Markets

7 Clean Cities / 7 Petroleum Displacement Methods  Replace petroleum with alternative fuels and low-level blends.  Reduce by promoting energy efficiency in vehicles through advanced technologies and more fuel efficient vehicles.  Eliminate by promoting idle reduction, greater use of mass transit, trip elimination, and other congestion mitigation approaches.

8 Clean Cities / 8 Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Biodiesel (B100) Electricity Ethanol (E85) Hydrogen Natural gas Propane Fuel Blends Biodiesel/diesel blends (B2, B5, B20) Ethanol/gasoline blends (E10) Hydrogen/natural gas blends (HCNG) Clean Cities Portfolio of Technologies Fuel Economy Fuel efficiency Behavioral changes Vehicle maintenance initiatives Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) Hybrids Light- and Heavy-duty HEVs PHEVs Idle Reduction Heavy-duty trucks School buses Truck stop electrification

9 Clean Cities / 9 Petroleum Reduction Planning

10 Clean Cities / 10 2008 Performance Metrics

11 Clean Cities / 11 2008 Portfolio Performance Petroleum Displacement of Each Portfolio Element Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009 Technology Million GGEs Percent of Coalitions' Total Change from Last Year* AFV19869%-2% Blends6322%31% Hybrid Electric Vehicles124%-26% Idle Reduction83%28% Fuel Economy/VMT Reduction41%-25% Off Road10%na Coalitions Total287100%3% ORNL Fuel Economy12555% Grand Total41214% *To enable a direct comparison, changes from last year were calculated from 2007 displacement numbers adjusted to remove E10 and transfer B20 from AFV section to blends.

12 Clean Cities / 12 Niche Markets Percentage of Total AFVs and HEVs by Niche Market Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009

13 Clean Cities / 13 AFVs and Fuel Displacement Number of AFVs and Fuel Displacement by Fuel Type Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009 Thousand AFVs

14 Clean Cities / 14 AFVs and GHG Reduction Number of AFVs and GHG Reduction by Fuel Type Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009

15 Clean Cities / 15 Idle Reduction Projects Displacement Due to Idle Reduction Projects Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009

16 Clean Cities / 16 Displacement Projection Annual Displacement Projection Millions of Gallons Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009

17 Clean Cities / 17 Annual Displacement Projection - Goal and Progress Displacement Projection and Progress Millions of Gallons Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009

18 Clean Cities / 18 Leveraging DOE Investment  Awarded 160 grants worth $34 million  Included $66 million from stakeholders  8:1 leveraging of FY2008 program budget Breakdown of Grants by Number and Value Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009 Size CategoryNumber % of Total Number Total Value % of Grand Total Value <$50,0009157%$1,114,2043% $50,000-$99,9992214%$1,442,4314% $100,000-$499,9993119%$6,626,46620% $500,000-$999,99996%$5,683,00017% $1,000,000 +74%$19,106,21056% Grand Total160100%$33,972,310100%

19 Clean Cities / 19 Outreach Activities 1,310 activities reaching over 113 million people 3X increase from 2007 Source: Clean Cities Annual Metrics Report 2008, August 2009 Results for the Seven Types of Outreach Activities Activity Type Persons Reached % of All People Reached No. of Activities % of All Activities Media Event90,193,89979.6%19115% Advertisement20,106,56217.7%272% Web Site1,088,8811.0%181% Literature Distribution862,7770.8%25419% Advancing the Choice655,2520.6%18114% Legislation304,5800.3%312% Meeting66,1670.1%60846% Total All Types113,278,118100.0%1,310100%

20 Clean Cities / 20 Outreach Number of Outreach Activities Split among Audience Types

21 Clean Cities / 21 Clean Cities Web Resources Clean Cities AFDC

22 Clean Cities / 22 Important Web Sites and Resources Clean Cities Web site Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center Web site Clean Cities Coordinator Contact Information and Coalition Web sites DOE EERE Information Center and Technical Response Service Web Site: Phone: 1-800-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463) Email: Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST

23 Clean Cities / 23 Contact Information Coordinator Name Clean Cities Coalition Contact Information Insert Coalition Logo

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