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The Solar System. What they will understand… Students will understand that … Most objects in the solar system have routine motions and their paths can.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System. What they will understand… Students will understand that … Most objects in the solar system have routine motions and their paths can."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System

2 What they will understand… Students will understand that … Most objects in the solar system have routine motions and their paths can be predicted. The gravity of celestial bodies on each other affects objects in space. We can use mechanical devices (such as binoculars, telescopes) to monitor and enhance our view of celestial objects.

3 Knowledge and Skills Vocabulary terms (orbit, tide, perception, point of view…) Understand the difference between revolution and rotation. The physical relationships of the earth, the sun and the moon in space. How gravity is responsible for planetary movements. Manipulate a magnifying device. Observe objects to compare and contrast them. Use research and mathematics to predict the path of orbital bodies. Describe the reasons for similarities and differences between celestial bodies.

4 Other Evidence and Peer feedback Quiz- vocabulary terms Quiz- the four seasons Writing Analysis- what would life be like if you lived on the Moon? Address these concepts: gravity, point of view, seasons and air (oxygen) Achievement test Performance test Students will be randomly assigned one performance task that another student completed. The students will be tasked with evaluating the other student’s work. This (peer grading) will count for 10% of the performance assessment grade. Students will provide at least 2 paragraphs describing the reasoning for their decisions.

5 Week 1 Monday Show a video of an overview of the solar system. Test prior knowledge with discussion about moons and planets. Introduce new vocabulary terms. Tuesday Introduce the relationship between the Sun, The Moon and the Earth. Wednesday Test prior knowledge by discussing the seasons and the reasons for tides. Describe the reason for the seasons in both hemispheres. Formatively assess students by having them graphically organize the 4 seasons. Thursday Introduce the other planets in the solar system and their moons. Students will compare and contrast the planets. Friday Demonstrate/introduce telescopes and other magnifying devices. Define gravity and point of view. Review key concepts from the previous 4 days.

6 Week 2 Monday After instruction, compare (mathematically) how gravity affects objects on Earth vs. the Moon. Define vacuum. Tuesday Describe the relationship of the revolution of the planets around the sun. Formatively assess students by having students complete a scale graphic of the planets in groups of 3. Wednesday Describe how mathematics can predict the position of the planets. In groups of 2, assign a planet and task the students with predicting the location of a single planet. Thursday Achievement test. Vocabulary Quiz Friday Students will use a telescope to view planets visible in the respective seasons (fall, spring) as well as the moon. Students will list observations and submit.

7 Week 3 Monday 4 Seasons Quiz. Writing analysis. Performance task assigned. Tuesday Work day for performance task. Wednesday Work day for performance task. Thursday Students will present their projects and evaluations. Friday Students will view a video on asteroids and other celestial objects. Theory of dinosaur extinction. Evaluation feedback.

8 Performance Tasks Students will choose two activities, one from each standard: E. 8.8 Write an essay explaining how the rotation and revolution of the earth and moon affects the seasons on the earth E. 8.8 Create a visual describing the relationship between the sun, earth and moon for one calendar year. E. 8.7 Develop an informational television show (5-10) minutes explaining gravity and point of view. E. 8.7 Create an oral presentation detailing the planets of the solar system.

9 Rotation Game

10 Song Student generated lyrics. 12 bar blues format.

11 Other specials Field trip to observatory. Astronomer as a guest speaker.

12 Videos

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