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The Sun and the Solar System Chapter 26. 24.3 Sun’s Size, Heat and Structure Diameter= 1,400,000 km or 868,000 miles –More than 3x the distance of Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun and the Solar System Chapter 26. 24.3 Sun’s Size, Heat and Structure Diameter= 1,400,000 km or 868,000 miles –More than 3x the distance of Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun and the Solar System Chapter 26

2 24.3 Sun’s Size, Heat and Structure Diameter= 1,400,000 km or 868,000 miles –More than 3x the distance of Earth to moon –More than 1 million Earth’s could fit in sun Energy –All stars get their energy from fusion –Fusion- combining of nuclei of lighter elements to form a heavier element –Star is place of intense heat and pressure Plasma- 4th state of matter consisting of charged particles (positively charged ions/ negatively charged electrons)

3 Fusion -Mass before is greater than mass after -Missing mass is converted to energy

4 Sun’s Layers Core: hydrogen and helium in a plasma state (15,600,000°C) Radiation zone: plasma- temp. range 8,000,000- 2,000,000° C) Convection zone: rising and falling currents of plasma that carry energy to the sun’s surface

5 Sun’s Layers cont… Photosphere: visible surface of sun –Granules- tops of convection currents –~6,000° C Chromosphere: inner layer of sun’s atmosphere –20,000° C (reddish) –Solar prominences Corona: outer atmosphere –1,000,000 to 3,000,000° C Examine the sun at different wavelengths.Examine the sun at different wavelengths.

6 Features on the Sun AU- astronomical unit- distance from sun to Earth (~150 million km) Sunspots- dark spots on photosphere –Dark because surrounding photosphere is hotter and brighter –Magnetic field is 1000x stronger than surrounding photosphere –Move from left to right Evidence that the sun rotates –Cycle of about 11 years

7 Sunspots

8 Magnetic Field

9 Solar Wind and Magnetic Storms Solar wind- stream of electrically charged particles from corona –coronal holes- large openings –Solar flares- most explosive feature on the sun! Increase in sunspots= increase in solar flares Earth’s magnetic field deflects solar winds Auroras- displays of color and light appearing in upper atmosphere Magnetic storms occur when more particles are added to constant solar wind from corona –may disrupt radio communications

10 22.1 History of S.S. Geocentric- Earth-centered model –Celestial sphere that surrounded Earth –Used constellations for calendar –Planets closer to Earth than stars –Retrograde motion- moved eastward, then westward for a few weeks

11 Important People

12 Ptolemy Greek astronomer in 2 nd century AD Puzzled by retrograde motion Developed a system to predict planetary position Planets on epicycles- small circular orbits Deferent is the larger circular orbit Retrograde Motion

13 Important People

14 Nicolaus Copernicus Polish astronomer (1473- 1543) Developed heliocentric model- sun- centered Retrograde motion appears as Earth overtakes Mars Retrograde Motion

15 Important People

16 Tycho Brahe 16 th century Danish noblemen Studied movements of planets in their orbits Very precise measurements without aide of telescope Passed away before he could apply data

17 Important People

18 Johannes Kepler German; (1571-1630); Tycho’s assistant Laws of planetary motion –1 st - planets travel in elliptical orbits with sun at one foci –2 nd - equal area law- a line connecting Earth to the sun will pass over equal area of space in equal times –3 rd - harmonic law- the period (P) of a planet squared is equal to the cube of its mean distance (D) from the sun, or P 2 = D 3 –Kepler's Laws with animationKepler's Laws with animation

19 Important People

20 Isaac Newton English scientist and mathematician (1642- 1727) Developed explanation for what kept the planets in motion 3 laws of motion and law of gravitation –1 st law- an object will move forever in a straight line at the same speed unless some external force changes its direction or speed1 st law- –Law of gravitation- every mass exerts a force of attraction on every other mass, and the strength of that force is proportional to each of the masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them

21 Important People

22 Galileo Galilei Italian scientist (1564-1642) With the aide of the first known telescope he discovered the following: –Four “Galilean” moons of Jupiter –Planets are circular disks, not just points of light –Venus has phases just like the moon –The moon’s surface was not smooth –The sun has sunspots, or dark regions

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