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1 Leading for learning-Improving science in my school PrimaryConnections: Continuing Professional Development 2014.

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2 1 Leading for learning-Improving science in my school PrimaryConnections: Continuing Professional Development 2014

3 2 Facilitator Ms Louise Rostron Professional Learning Consultant PrimaryConnections Australian Academy of Science

4 3 Workshop purpose You are here to experience and understand the PDSA improvement process, its application to improving science teaching and learning in primary school and the connections to implementing the PrimaryConnections program.

5 4 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:What are the changes/improvements that the (15 mins) PrimaryConnections program is trying to achieve? What are the reactions to change? EXPLORE:Identify and prioritise opportunities for improvement (20 mins ) EXPLAIN:The PDSA process, its structure and functions (20 mins) ELABORATE:Practise some learning tools (20 mins) EVALUATE:How does using PDSA assist with change? (10 mins)Evaluate the workshop

6 5 Outcomes On completion of this module participants will understand: the PDSA improvement process examples of techniques to apply at each phase of the PDSA process the application of the PDSA process to improve the teaching and learning of primary science that the PDSA process can be applied to both small and large improvement projects at the classroom, whole school or higher level the connections to implementing the PrimaryConnections program


8 7 Affinity diagram What are the changes/improvements that the PrimaryConnections program is trying to achieve? One change per sticky note

9 8 VolunteersWhingers SurvivorsPrisoners Australian characters in the workplace

10 9 Typical emotional reactions to suggestions for change “They” are being critical of “what I do now” I’m scared I won’t be able to do it I’m wondering what demands the change places on me Why do I have to do this (even if what I do is not working very well!) It’s a fad! I don’t have time!! Can I take on anymore? What I do now is OK and I’m comfortable…. I don’t really want to know about a better way… What extra will I have to do? Oh, not another program! Science is not that important! “They” are just trying to sell me something!


12 11 The Change Prioritiser


14 13 1.Build a bridge Where? Destination? Why? Reason? What? Sort of bridge? How? Systems? Structures? Processes? What if I fail? Safety net “How do we encourage volunteer mode?”

15 14 Personal contribution Teamwork Support Clarify direction Collaboration “How do we encourage volunteer mode?” 2.Show you care!

16 15 The Enlightening Campaign!

17 16 Dr Deming’s Profound Knowledge Founded in the theories of Dr W Edwards Deming and others, the Quality Learning approach can be summarised as four areas that Deming called Profound Knowledge. To improve any organisation requires focusing on these four areas. Systems: seeking clarity of purpose, establishing visions of excellence, focussing on clients and seeing all work as processes Knowledge: using structured improvement tools and methods, planning for improvement Variation: using data to drive improvement, understanding system and process variation People: removing barriers to intrinsic motivation, encouraging leadership at all levels, teamwork and cooperation.

18 17 Profound Knowledge

19 18 Plan, Do Study, Act Jordan will show us how!

20 19 When things could be better! Root causes of problems: 95% are system problems! 5% are people problems!

21 20 Start thinking of problems as systems problems and avoid the blame game!


23 22 Application of the Plan Do Study Act Cycle requires us to be clear and specific about: the purpose and goals of the proposed improvement who is served by the proposed improvement and their needs how success will be evaluated the deficiencies in the current situation and the causes of these deficiencies a theory and plan for improvement evaluation of the success of the plan and reflecting on appropriate next steps

24 23 PDSA 9-step process (See middle pages of the PDSA booklet) Plan Step 1: Understand the system and select the team Step 2: Define the opportunity for improvement Step 3: Study the current situation Step 4: Analyse the causes Step 5: Develop a theory for improvement Do Step 6: Implement the theory for improvement Study: Step 7: Study the results Act: Step 8: Standardise the improvement Step 9: Establish future plans

25 24 Examine the PDSA process 1.Form groups of up to nine people for a jigsaw process. Divide the 9-step PDSA process among the group. Choose one of the changes PrimaryConnections is encouraging as an example. 1.Each person examines one step, applies it to the chosen change and makes notes under three sub-headings: Why do this? How to do this Doing this well 3. Each person in turn reports back to the group and all can take summary notes in their Day 2 booklets on pages 68-69.

26 25 Bone Diagram Describe the current situation Describe the desired situation What are the forces pushing towards the improvement? What are the forces preventing the improvement? How might we eliminate the preventing forces?

27 26 Fishbone diagram

28 27 If…..then……


30 29 “If you want to make enemies, try to change something!” Woodrow Wilson If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less!” General Eric Shinseki “If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong!” Charles Kettering “Change” Quotes

31 30 “Change” Quotes “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!” Margaret Mead

32 31 Niccolo Machiavelli “In matters of human endeavour there is nothing more difficult to be engaged in, nor to sustain the involvement in, than to initiate a new order of things.”

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