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1. In Greek mythology Europe was a Phoenician princess whom Zeus abducted after assuming the form of a dazzling white bull. 2. Europe is the world's second-smallest.

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Presentation on theme: "1. In Greek mythology Europe was a Phoenician princess whom Zeus abducted after assuming the form of a dazzling white bull. 2. Europe is the world's second-smallest."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. In Greek mythology Europe was a Phoenician princess whom Zeus abducted after assuming the form of a dazzling white bull. 2. Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 10,180,000 square kilometers. 3. Finally it also mean the European Union, a group of countries which take common decisions. Definition of Europe


4  We have chosen this word because we think that be united is important to be more powerful and rich and because if a country is divided it can’t be as good as another that is united. Also, if a country have a problem as for example economical it can overcome it with help, but if it be alone it can’t overcame it. UNITED:

5  We choose this word because we think that the agreement of common rules is very important. If the people vote for politicians to make the rules, they will accept them. It’s a primordial request to entry in the European Union as the people rights or the abolition of the death penalty. DEMOCRACY

6  We have chosen this word because most of all countries in Europe have the same origin and also the same general culture that comes from Greek and Roman. But then in each country there are lots of different cultural characteristics as the language or the religion. CULTURE:

7  We think we have to talk about walls because the past shows us the importance of walls for the defense of cities in wars, but if we can remove them now, we are saying that we can live in harmony. Although the internal borders are abolished, the external ones has increased because we don’t want illegal immigration. WALLS:

8  We have chosen this word because a person must acquire knowledge to enrich the spirit. And this word is associated with Europe in our society as we prepare for the future with great intensity. As the cradle of civilizations, between Roman and Greek, in Europe we have done quite all discoveries in science, art, architecture, etc. KNOWLEDGE:

9  We have chosen this word because we think that without languages we couldn't communicate with the others.  Although have the same origin, there're a lot of countries that have his own language and dialects. LANGUAGES:


11  We have chosen this word because we think that without organization Europe would be decontrolled.  In the European council the countries show us how to take decisions in common and for the common benefit and without organization it can’t be possible.  The best example for this is that now, we haven’t a great organization and without a leader we have fallen into crisis.

12  Because if there isn’t equality the people can be discriminated and it all can become a problem or as lots of problems. All the people have the same rights, so we can’t discriminate anyone.  An example of not great equality is the Romanian immigration, as members of the European Union they would be respected, but there are some countries that don’t want them immigration. EQUALITY

13  We have chosen these two images because they come together. It represents the union of these two cultures (Greek and Roman) that gives us our present culture, religion, knowledge, language…  The second one also shows how large was the Roman empire and as far as it arrived.

14 We have chosen this image because we think that without the support of the countries and joint work, the contributions and improvements for our country would not be possible.

15  We have chosen this image because we think that have the same coin gives us the common economical center and lends us to have an meaningful market in which we can compare easily the standard of living, without lots of different coins.

16  Finally we can describe Europe as a perfect organized union of countries that all live in community, with a common origin but with lots of different cultures and languages. Also they all use the democracy for the equality of all it’s members.

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