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Glân pia hi! Ok! Hygiene rules Ok!. Kitchen Hygiene Glanweithdra Cegin Wash your hands before handling any food Clean work surfaces Keep work area clean.

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Presentation on theme: "Glân pia hi! Ok! Hygiene rules Ok!. Kitchen Hygiene Glanweithdra Cegin Wash your hands before handling any food Clean work surfaces Keep work area clean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glân pia hi! Ok! Hygiene rules Ok!

2 Kitchen Hygiene Glanweithdra Cegin Wash your hands before handling any food Clean work surfaces Keep work area clean and tidy Keep raw and cooked foods apart –Cross – contamination Wash up correctly –Hot water, changed frequently –Washing up liquid –Clean tea towel Golchi dwylo cyn trafod unrhyw fwyd. Cadw mannau gwaith yn lân Cadw ardal gweithio yn lân a thaclus. Cadw bwyd amrwd ac wedi coginio ar wahân. - Croes heintio Golchi offer yn gywir - Dwr poeth, a’i newid yn aml -Hylif golchi llestri -Lliain sychu llestri glân

3 Personal Hygiene Glanweithdra personol Tie hair back Remove jewellery Roll up sleeves Wear an apron WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY Clymu’r gwallt Tynnu gemwaith Torchi llewys Gwisgo brat GOLCHI DWYLO YN LÂN

4 What is Food Poisoning? Beth yw gwenwyn bwyd? Food poisoning is an illness you get by eating contaminated food. Food is contaminated if there is something in it which shouldn’t be there Salwch ar ôl bwyta bwyd wedi ei heintio Mae bwyd cael ei heintio os oes rhywbeth ynddo na ddylai fod yno.

5 Symptoms of Food Poisoning Symtomau o wenwyn bwyd Abdominal Pain – stomach-ache- Poen bol Diarrhoea – ‘the runs’ – Dolur rhydd Vomiting – being sick - Chwydu Nausea – the feeling of sickness - Cyfog Fever – a raised temperature – Tymheredd uchel Symptoms vary depending on the type of food poisoning and can last for days Mae’r symptomau yn dibynnu ar y math o wenwyn bwyd; gallai barhau am ddiwrnodau

6 Causes of Food Poisoning Beth sy’n achosi gwenwyn bwyd Bacteria and other microbes (viruses, moulds) Bacteria a microbau eraill ( firws, llwydni) Chemicals and metals Cemegolion a metalau Poisonous plants (e.g. toadstools, berries) Planhigion gwenwynig ( e.e. madarch, aeron)

7 High Risk Foods Bwyd Risg Uchel Foods which are moist & high in protein Bwyd sy’n llaith ac yn uchel mewn protein. These include: Gan gynnwys Meat - Cig Fish-pysgod Poultry -Da pluog Eggs -Wyau Dairy products – cynnyrch llaeth Stocks - Isgell Sauces -sawsiau Shellfish- pysgod cragen Seafood – bwyd môr Cooked rice – reis wedi coginio

8 Why Bacteria Make You Ill Pam fod Bacteria yn eich gwneud yn sâl Some bacteria have to be INSIDE your body to make you ill Once inside you, the bacteria attack your body causing illness Some produce a TOXIN (poison) on the food which makes you ill when you eat it Rhai bacteria yn gorfod bod TU MEWN i’ch corff i’ch gwneud yn sâl. Y bacteria yn ymosod ar y corff ac achosi salwch Rhai yn cynhyrchu TOCSIN (gwenwyn) ar y bwyd sy’n achosi salwch wrth ei fwyta

9 Sut mae bacteria’n lluosi How bacteria multiply Lluosi’n gyflym drwy rannu’n ddau. YMHOLLTIAD DEUOL Bacteria ond angen 10-20 eiliad I lluosi. 1 bacteriwm = miliwn mewn ychydig oriau. Amodau perffaith i dyfu - bwyd - lleithder - cynhesrwydd - amser Reproduce rapidly by dividing in two –BINARY FISSION Each bacterium only needs 10 – 20 minutes to multiply 1 bacterium = millions in a few hours Ideal conditions for growth: - food - moisture –warmth –time

10 Tymheredd Critigol Critical Temperatures Rhaid cadw bwyd Risg Uchel a bwyd darfodus tu allan i’r parth peryglus ar dymheredd rhwng 5º a 63º High Risk and perishable foods should be kept out of the danger zone temperatures of 5°C to 63°C.

11 Campylobacter Found in raw poultry and meat Mewn cig cyw iar amrwd a chig Illness caused by small numbers of bacteria Ychydig o facteria yn creu salwch Symptoms: symtomau –Fever - gwres –Headache - cur pen –Abdominal pain -poen bol –Diarrhoea – dolur rhydd –Can last for 10 days – parhau am 10 diwrnod

12 SALMONELLA -SALMONELA Found in raw meat, unwashed vegetables, poultry and eggs Mewn cig amrwd, llysiau heb eu golchi, cyw iâr a wyau. 2 nd most common cause of food poisoning 2il achos mwyaf cyffredin o wenwyn bwyd Survives refrigeration Oergell ddim yn ei ddifa Illness caused by large numbers of bacteria – Angen nifer fawr o’r bacteri i achosi salwch.

13 SALMONELLA -SALMONELA Symptoms: Symptomau Fever - Gwres. Diarrhoea -Dolur rhydd Vomiting - Chwydu Abdominal pain – Poen bol Can be fatal! - Gallu bod yn fawol! Can take up to 48 hrs for symptoms to show and can last for 3 wks Symptomau yn gallu cymryd 48 awr i ddangos a pharhau am 3 wythnos

14 E COLI Found in the gut of animals and humans Mewn perfedd anifeiliaid a phobl E Coli 0157 is found in raw & undercooked meats, raw vegetables E Coli 0157 mewn cig amrwd a chig heb goginio’n iawn, llysiau amrwd Illness caused by small numbers of bacteria Salwch yn cael ei achosi gan ychydig o facteria Can survive refrigeration and freezing Gallu byw yn y rhewgell a’r oergell.

15 E COLI Symptoms: Symptomau Diarrhoea – Dolur rhydd Can be fatal – gall fod yn farwol Can take up to 5 days for symptoms to show Gallu cymryd 5 diwrnod i’r symptomau ymddangos

16 Clostridium Perfringens From animal poo! I’w gael mewn carthion anifeiliaid! Found in soil, manure, sewage, raw meat & poultry Mewn pridd, carthffosiaeth, cig amrwd a chig cyw iâr Produces spores which may not be killed by cooking Cynhyrchu sborau. Nid yw rhain yn cael eu lladd drwy goginio bob tro

17 Clostridium Perfringens Symptoms: Symptomau Abdominal pain – poen bol Diarrhoea – dolur rhydd Nausea - chwydu Can be fatal – gallu bod yn farwol! Onset normally after 8 – 18 hrs Dechrau fel arfer ar ôl 8 – 18 awr

18 LISTERIA Found in soil, vegetation, meat, poultry, soft cheese, salad vegetables Mewn pridd, llysdyfiant, gig, cyw iâr, caws meddal a llysiau salad. Can grow at low temperatures Gallu tyfu ar dymheredd isel

19 LISTERIA Symptoms: –Range from flu-like symptoms to meningitis –Amrywio o symptomau ffliw i lid yr ymennydd –Pregnant women, the very old and the very young are most at risk –Plant a merched beichiog sydd a’r risg mwyaf. –Can take up to weeks to develop –Gallu cymryd wythnosau i ddatblygu yn y corff

20 BACILLUS CEREUS Found in soil and dust I’w gael mewn pridd a llwch Frequently in rice dishes & sometime in pasta, meat or vegetable dishes Ym aml mewn prydau o reis a weithiau mewn prydau pasta, cig neu lysiau Illness can be caused by a small number of bacteria Ychydig o facteria sydd angen i achosi salwch Forms spores that are resistant to heat Ffurfio sborau sydd yn gwrthsefyll gwres

21 BACILLUS CEREUS Symptoms: Symptomau 2 types of illness: diarrhoea and abdominal pain after 8 – 18 hrs vomiting after 1 – 5 hrs 2 fath o salwch: Dolur rhydd â phoen bol ar ôl 8 – 18 awr Chwydu ar ôl 1 - 5 awr Usually lasts less than 24 hrs Parhau am lai na 24 awr

22 STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS Found on the skin, in cuts and boils and up the nose! Ar y croen, mewn briwiau ac i fyny’r trwyn! Transferred to food from hands, nose or mouth Pasio i fwyd o ddwylo, trwyn a cheg. Large numbers needed to cause illness Angen llawer i achosi salwch Survives refrigeration Goroesi yn y rhewgell. Produces a toxin which may survive cooking Creu tocsin sydd ddim yn cael ei ladd drwy goginio.

23 STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS Symptoms: Symptomau Severe vomiting - Chwydu difrifol Abdominal pains - Poen bol Diarrhoea - Dolur rhydd Onset within 6 hrs - Dechrau ar ôl 6 awr Lasts about 2 days - Parhau tua 2 ddiwrnod

24 MOULDS - MOWLD Tiny fungi which grow from spores found in the air Mowld bach yn tyfu o sborau yn yr aer. Settle on food products and multiply Setlo ar fwyd ac yn lluosi When visible, food is described as ‘mouldy’ I’w weld pan mae bwyd wedi ‘llwydo’. Causes food spoilage Achosi gwastraff

25 CHEMICAL & METAL Some chemicals and metals are poisonous to us Rhai cemegau yn wenwynig i ni. Metals like lead and mercury stay in our body for a long time and make us ill Metelau fel plwm a mercwri yn aros yn y corff am amser hir ac yn achosi salwch. a Foods may taste or smell funny Cael effaith ar flas ac arogl bwyd

26 Summary – I gloi Food poisoning (FP) is caused by eating food which is contaminated Most contamination is caused by bacteria, but also by viruses, chemicals or plants FP bacteria make us ill The symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea & fever FP can last for days and can be fatal FP bacteria become dangerous if allowed to multiply FP bacteria can only be detected in a laboratory Gwenwyn Bwyd (GB) yn cael ei achosi gan fwyd wedi ei heintio Cael ei achosi gan facteria, firws, cemegau neu blanhigion. Gall GB ein gwneud yn wael iawn. Symptomau yw poen bol, dolur rhydd, chwydu a gwres Gall barhau am ddiwrnodau neu ein lladd! Gall bacteria GB fod yn beryglus os yn cael lluosi Angen labordy i ganfod ac adnabod y bacteria.

27 Summary –I gloi Bacteria angen gwres, lleithder ac amser i luosi. 1 bacteriwm ond angen 9 awr i dyfu’n filiwn. Y tri prif facteria yw – Salmonela, Clastridiwm perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus. Bwyd risg uchel yw cig, cyw iâr, wyau, cawl, sawsiau, pysgodyn cregyn a reis wedi coginio. Gall nifer fach o facteria eich gwneud yn sâl Bacteria fel llwydni yn difetha ac yn pydru bwyd Bacteria need warmth, food, moisture and time to multiply. It takes only 9 hrs for 1 bacterium to become 9 million! 3 main FP bacteria are Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus High risk foods include cooked meat, cooked poultry, dishes containing eggs, soups, sauces, shellfish and cooked rice Even a small number of bacteria can make you ill Food spoilage bacteria cause food to rot

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