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A 99-year ground lease between CLT and owner ensures owner- occupancy and responsible use and outlines fees paid to the CLT. Land is owned by the Community.

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Presentation on theme: "A 99-year ground lease between CLT and owner ensures owner- occupancy and responsible use and outlines fees paid to the CLT. Land is owned by the Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 A 99-year ground lease between CLT and owner ensures owner- occupancy and responsible use and outlines fees paid to the CLT. Land is owned by the Community Land Trust, which is governed by a non- profit board. Buildings (residential or commercial) are owned by individuals. Because they pay only for the structure, and not the underlying land, purchasing the building is more affordable. A resale formula built in to the ground lease is designed to keep homes affordable for subsequent buyers. Community Land Trusts: How do they work?

2 Community Land Trusts (CLT’s): Growing Communities Without Displacement _________________________________________________________  Are a proven vehicle for the development and preservation of affordable housing (approximately 200 nationwide).  Create permanently affordable housing and protect and extend the impact of public subsidy.  Provide community control of development.  Balance between the multiple goals of asset-building for low and moderate-income families, preservation of affordable units over time, and the protection of neighborhood vitality.

3 CLT’s Reduce Foreclosure ____________________________________________________  Conventional homeowners are 8 times more likely to be in foreclosure than CLT homeowners.  Up from 2008 – 6 times more likely.  4.6% of traditional mortgages vs. 0.6% of CLT mortgages in foreclosure.  4.5% – 30.6% of traditional mortgages seriously delinquent vs. 1.6% of CLT mortgages National CLT Network 2009 Foreclosure Study

4 CLT’s and the BeltLine: A smart way to develop ____________________________________________________  Extends the impact of public investment.  Helps limit the impacts of gentrification.  Deepens the opportunity for community engagement.  Promotes neighborhood stability

5 Atlanta Land Trust Collaborative (ALTC): A new vision for CLT’s in Atlanta __________________________________________________ ALTC Goals:  Create a favorable climate for CLT development.  Nurture the formation of at least two neighborhood-based, resident-controlled CLTs within the next three years.  Perform the stewardship functions of a CLT in neighborhoods where the local capacity does not exist to carry out these functions.

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