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The significance of extracapsular lymph node involvement in node- positive patients with adenocarcinoma of the distal oesophagus or gastro-oesophageal.

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1 The significance of extracapsular lymph node involvement in node- positive patients with adenocarcinoma of the distal oesophagus or gastro-oesophageal junction J Sultan, S Allan, N Hayes, SM Griffin Northern Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne

2 Introduction 5 year survival Extracapsular lymph node involvement (ECLNI) Limited publications No UK studies

3 Aims To study the effect of ECLNI in patients undergoing subtotal oesophagectomy for ACA: 1.Proportion of patients with ECLNI 2.Cancer specific survival 1.3 year survival and stage of disease 2.Cancer specific survival using the number of nodes involved with extracapsular spread

4 Methods Prospective database Subtotal Oesophagectomy for ACA January 2006 to January 2013 (n=363) Node positive disease TNM 7 th edition SPSS version 19

5 Results Total number n = 363 Node positive disease n=180 ECLNI n = 100 Node negative disease n=183 ICLNI n = 80 27.5% with ECLNI

6 Patient data and outcome ICLNI n=80 ECLNI n=100 p value Age (years)65 0.973 M:F3.2:110.1:10.012 Neo-adjuvant chemo31.7%43.3%0.104 R0 resection98.8%94%1.000 BMI26.925.90.077 Blood transfusion7.5%5%0.452 Operation time (mins)3573600.621 Blood loss (mls)5305900.585 Critical care stay (days)220.784 Length of hospital stay (days)19170.333 Morbidity64%58%0.447 Mortality1.3%2%1.000

7 Histology ICLNI n=80 ECLNI n=100 p value Stage of disease 2b 3a 3b 3c 30% 38% 21% 11% 7% 23% 20% 50% 0.001 Venous involvement44%60%0.036 Perineural involvement50%78%0.001 Tumour differentiation Well differentiated Moderately differentiated Poorly differentiated 9% 46% 45% 2% 45% 53% 1.000

8 Histology ICLNI n=80 ECLNI n=100 p value Total number of nodes removed34 0.483 Nodal status n1 n2 n3 56% 35% 9% 24% 27% 49% 0.001 Total number of positive nodes260.001 Ratio of positive nodes:nodes removed 7%18%0.001

9 Survival p<0.001

10 Median Survival (months) ICLNI n=80 ECLNI n=100 p value Stage 2b n=31 -21.60.172 Stage 3a n=53 36.632.60.590 Stage 3b n=37 79.825.80.185 Stage 3c n=59 21.815.50.347 Overall p<0.001

11 3 year Survival ICLNI n=80 ECLNI n=100 p value Stage 2b75%43%0.172 Stage 3a60%52%0.590 Stage 3b71%45%0.185 Stage 3c33%16%0.347 Overall p<0.001

12 Survival Overall Survival (months) 95% CI (months) p value ICLNI46.617.6 – 75.6 0.001 1 or 2 nodes with ECLNI26.017.0 – 35.0 3 – 6 nodes with ECLNI18.510.9 - 26.1 Over 7 nodes with ECLNI16.511.0 – 22.0

13 Overall survival p<0.001

14 Conclusion Extracapsular lymph node involvement in node-positive patients with adenocarcinoma of the distal oesophagus or gastro- oesophageal junction is a negative prognostic indicator and should be incorporated into the TNM classification

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