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100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 Air Pollution and Global Warming Non-renewable Energy Sources Water Potpourri Renewable Energy Sources.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 Air Pollution and Global Warming Non-renewable Energy Sources Water Potpourri Renewable Energy Sources 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 End RoundThemeFinal Jeopardy

3 This by-product of burning coal contributes to acid rain and acid drainage  Air Pollution and Global Warming 100 Points 

4 What is sulfuric dioxide? Air Pollution and Global Warming 100 Points

5 Air Pollution and Global Warming 200 Points This is an extremely hazardous gas produced by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels.  

6 Air Pollution and Global Warming 200 Points What is carbon monoxide?

7 Air Pollution and Global Warming 300 Points   This indoor air pollutant is found in particle board, furniture, wallpaper and carpeting.

8 Air Pollution and Global Warming 300 Points What is formaldehyde?

9 Air Pollution and Global Warming 400 Points Ozone is beneficial in this layer of the atmosphere, but can be very damaging to living tissues in this layer.  

10 Air Pollution and Global Warming 400 Points What is the stratosphere and the troposphere?

11 Air Pollution and Global Warming 500 Points These are the two ways to create this type of gas, which is also the 3 rd most potent green house gass on the planet.  

12 What is biogenic(with subsurface bacteria-methanogens) and thermogenic (with pressure and temperature) methane? Air Pollution and Global Warming 500 Points

13 These bonds are the reason for almost every property of water. Water100 Points  

14 What are hydrogen bonds? Water 100 Points

15 A La Nina event will bring warm winters to this part of the United States. Water 200 Points  

16 What is the Southeast area of the United States? Water200 Points

17 This is the normal pH of rainfall. Water300 Points  

18 What is a pH of 5?

19 These are three consequences of thermal (heat) pollution on aquatic ecosystems. Water400 Points  

20 What are “increased metabolic rates in fish,” “decrease in desirable (or native) fish,” and “less dissolved oxygen.” Water400 Points

21 Conventional electricity generating power plants are always built next to these. Water500 Points  

22 What are “bodies of water?”

23 This happens to oxygen solubility with regard to water temperature. Potpourri 100 Points  

24 What is “oxygen solubility decreases as temperatures increase.” Potpourri 100 Points

25 These ecosystem produce the most biomass and oxygen on the planet. Potpourri 200 Points  

26 What are marine ecosystems? Potpourri 200 Points

27 Potpourri 300 Points   This is the property of water that makes it a green house gas.

28 Potpourri 300 Points What is a high heat capacity (or high specific heat)?

29 This type of smog is at its highest concentrations in the late afternoon because it is formed in the presence of sunlight. Potpourri 400 Points  

30 What is photochemical smog?

31 Potpourri 500 Points   These climatic anomalies occur between every 2-5 years and produce changes of opposite direction in global temperature and precipitation patterns.

32 Potpourri 500 Points What are El Nino and La Nina events?

33 Nonrenewable Energy 100 Points This is the largest contributor to NOx emissions in the U.S.  

34 Nonrenewable Energy 100 Points What are combustion engines and exhaust pies in vehicles?

35 Nonrenewable Energy 200 Points   This is the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas produced in the United States from the combustion of fossil fuels.

36 Nonrenewable Energy 200 Points What is carbon dioxide?

37 Nonrenewable Energy 300 Points   This is the main fuel used to generate electricity in the United States as well as the most abundant fossil fuel on the planet today.

38 Nonrenewable Energy 300 Points What is coal?

39 Nonrenewable Energy 400 Points Organizations such as this one take maximum advantage of developed nations dependence on imported oil.  

40 Nonrenewable Energy 400 Points What is OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)?

41 The secondary extraction of petroleum relies on this. Nonrenewable Energy 500 Points  

42 What are solvents, water or steam?

43 Renewable Energy100 Points   These are the three “conventional” renewable energy alternatives.

44 Renewable Energy 100 Points What are nuclear, biomass and hydroelectric?

45 Renewable Energy 200 Points   These are the five “non- conventional” energy alternatives.

46 Renewable Energy 200 Points What are geothermal, wind, solar, hydrogen fuel cells and tidal?

47 Renewable Energy 300 Points   This is one drawback to using ethanol as a fuel source.

48 Renewable Energy 300 Points Ethanol is largely made from corn. What is the competition on food crops may drive up the price of corn?

49 Renewable Energy 400 Points   This type of renewable energy may cause air pollution and not be entirely renewable.

50 Renewable Energy400 Points What is geothermal energy?

51 Renewable Energy 500 Points These are two of the main reasons hydropower may not expand much more in the future.  

52 Renewable Energy 500 Points What are “the majority of the worlds dammable rivers have already been dammed, and the awareness of the damage caused by dams is preventing more building?”

53 Final Jeopardy

54 FINAL JEOPARDY This program was utilized to divert nuclear weapon materials to peaceful energy generation.  

55 FINAL JEOPARDY What is the “megatons to megawatts” program?

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