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School Forum SEND Demand Management 14 April 2014.

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1 School Forum SEND Demand Management 14 April 2014

2 Local and National context – why change?

3 Special School Funding

4 Top Up Funding to Schools 2009/20102010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/15 Actual Estimate £000 Original Estimates7318218619641,1701,583 Retrospective Adjustments (shown in year due not year paid) 287300374626N/a In year payments - Spring Term00006131,160 In year payments -Summer term00003901,160 In year payments -Autumn Term000080380 Total1,0181,1211,2351,5912,2534,283 Increase on Previous Year2191031143566622,030

5 Children with statements of special educational needs  1309 children with statements in Derby All statemented children:  Top 3 primary needs - ASD, MLD and BESD - account for 58% of the total statemented population, with ASD accounting for 28% alone. Children placed out of area:  145 children who are currently placed in an ‘Out of Area’ (OOA) placement  Top 3 primary needs - ASD, BESD and MLD - account for 73% of the total OOA population, with ASD accounting for 47% alone.  ASD is the most important and prevalent need both in Derby and OOA placements  In line with national trends indicating a growth in ASD (ie DH figures indicate a 50% growth 2006 – 2010)

6 Primary Needs trends Page 6 Primary Needs of pupils on SEN Placements in Derby against the National Average*,. Pupils in Derby:  Have a higher incidence of:  ASD (5.2%)  Hearing Impairment (4.5% higher)  Profound MLD (5.7% higher)  MLD (3.2% higher).  Have a lower incidence of:  Speech, Language & Communication Difficulty (8.2% lower  SLD (5.4% lower) * National data obtained from the ‘Children with special educational needs: an analysis – 2014’ published by the Department of Education on 12 September 2014.

7 Where are our children? Page 7

8 Where our children (with statements) live Children with statements who live and go to school in-area (north Derby)

9 Where are our resources – school provision The maps below show the spread of school provision within Derby, identifying mainstream, ERF and special schools (both primary and secondary). NB: map above is zoomed in to city centre

10 OOA Breakdown of school year (2013-14) 10 AnalysisInsight/next steps 67% of children in OOA placements are of secondary school age, with 50% in Year 9 or above. 61% of children were 11 or older when they started at their current OOA school. Only 37% of OOA children were 11 or older when they had their first statement The transition to secondary school and then as children become teenagers seem to be critical. A focus on these transition points could be beneficial. All OOA placements

11 Age when statement issued  Most common ages for a child to be issued with a statement - 10, 11 or 4 years  Most common age for a child to be placed OOA - 4, 7 or 11 years. This is in line with the key transition points in a child’s education. This could tell us that:  As soon as children are being issued with statements they are being placed OOA to cater for their need. Both the issuing of a statement and move to an OOA placement are in line with key transition points between nursery and primary school, and primary and secondary school.  Questions whether EHCP’s should be issued earlier in a child’s life, rather than waiting until a point of education transition. It may be that the education system is driving support provision, rather than the needs of the child. (These hypotheses needs to be tested and validated with the SEN team)

12 1 January 2014 statistics (March 2015) Special MaintainedNon-maintainedOverall National1.25%0.05%1.3% Derby1.22%0.33%1.56% 50 RSDD1.22%0.21%1.43% With RSDD 0.26% above national average =106 extra places Without 50 places at RSDD, then 1.3% above national average = extra 56 places 12 maintained places below the national average for maintained schools

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