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March 4, 2015 PITCH IT! presentations Ho mework: Study Unit 2 vocabulary flashcards and review notes. Objective I can work in a collaborative group to.

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Presentation on theme: "March 4, 2015 PITCH IT! presentations Ho mework: Study Unit 2 vocabulary flashcards and review notes. Objective I can work in a collaborative group to."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 4, 2015 PITCH IT! presentations Ho mework: Study Unit 2 vocabulary flashcards and review notes. Objective I can work in a collaborative group to create a multimedia advertising campaign that uses a variety of persuasive techniques W arm Up: Turn to pg. 29-30 in your vocabulary book and complete the COMPLETING THE SENTENCE questions # 1-20 in your notes.

2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

5 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

6 You are required to take notes on each group's presentation by writing the following: Gr oup number/name of product Package: Billboard: Ad: Commercial: Pitch: s omething postive something missing / to work on

7 Take out your rubric. Based on the rubric criteria, you must assign each group a grade out of 20.

8 1.Product packaging _______/20 Product packaging contains original picture and name of product, original catchy slogan, logical manufacturer (company that sells it), how to use the product, website, and any other relevant information. The packaging looks real, is colorful and well thought out.

9 2.Outside advertisement ________/20 The outside advertisement is on posterboard. It is colorful and uses the majority (at least 80%) of the board. It contains large, eye-catching images and wording that uses one propaganda technique. It contains the product name, manufacturer and slogan. There is a typed, 4-5 sentence paragraph (5pts) accompanying this outside advertisement explaining how the specific propaganda technique #1 is shown in the ad and how this appeals to your target audience.

10 3.Magazine advertisement__________/20 The magazine advertisement is on white computer paper. It is colorful and uses the majority (at least 80%) of the paper. It contains large, eye- catching images and wording that uses a second, different propaganda technique. It contains the product name, manufacturer and slogan. There is a typed, 4-5 sentence paragraph (5 pts) accompanying this magazine ad explaining the selected propaganda technique #2 seen in the ad and how this appeals to your target audience.

11 4.Commercial __________/20 The commercial can either be performed live or prerecorded and either shown on your device or played from a flashdrive and shown on the Smartboard. You can have all or just some members of your group participating in the commercial, using either dialogue or narration. Your commercial should tell the name of your product, and discuss what it does, why it’s useful, etc. There is a typed, 4-5 sentence paragraph (5 pts) accompanying your commercial explaining how the specific propaganda technique #3 is shown in the commercial and how this appeals to your target audience.

12 5.Sales pitch __________/20 ALL MEMBERS participate in the sales pitch. You will start your presentation by introducing the product, what it does / how it works and who your target audience is for this product. You must also discuss a celebrity that you think might be a good fit for your product and explain what makes them qualified to represent / endorse your product. You will present your product packaging, outside advertisement, magazine advertisement and end with your commercial. You will explain your 3 different propaganda techniques used and what role each member played in your ad campaign.

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