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Meta-communication Non-verbal communication & Social Space.

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Presentation on theme: "Meta-communication Non-verbal communication & Social Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meta-communication Non-verbal communication & Social Space

2 Observation Tasks Review How do people communicate without speaking? Select your own location/ setting and participants – and make notes about very specific examples you see. –look for patterns in the ways in which different people communicate with each other –watch for touch, eye contact, where people stand or sit in relation to others, gesture, and body language

3 Nonverbal Communication Discussion How important is it? & How is it important? What are the main features? How is it a “cultural” issue?

4 "Although estimates vary from ???? to ?????% most researchers would agree that a substantial part of the social meaning of a message is carried via nonverbal channels…" NB For un-attributed quotes –check links to S4L

5 "Although estimates vary from 65%…to 95%, most researchers would agree that a substantial part of the social meaning of a message is carried via nonverbal channels…" (Singelis, 1994, p. 275). NB For attributed quotes –check links to S4L

6 Some Key Concepts The way people organise and present themselves and the environment around them has both social and symbolic meaning.

7 Aspects of NVC Haptics Kinesics Proxemics Chronemics Oculesics

8 Symbolic Interactionism Herbert Blumer (Symbolic Interaction: Perspective and Method 1969) basic premises of symbolic interactionism: 1. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have for them. 2. The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with one's fellows. 3. These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he [sic] encounters.

9 Erving Goffman Focused & Unfocussed Gathering Frame –Frame attunement –Ritual requirements Disattend track Co-presence Facework

10 Adam Kendon, E.T.Hall, Frederick Erickson Gaze Synchrony/ Asynchrony Social Space

11 Situational Factors 1 The intrapersonal and interpersonal processes affected by cultural variability include social cognitive processes such as information processing, persuasive strategy selection, conflict management styles, personality, social relations, and self-perceptions, as well as affect … and habits (i.e., schemata, scripts)….

12 Situational Factors 1 Cultural variability also has a major effect upon norms/rules, roles,….language use, environmental settings (i.e. the use of space, including territoriality, privacy, crowding)……these are considered to be elements of situations. Gudykunst W.B. & Ting-Toomey S. 1988 Culture & Interpersonal Experience Sage P17

13 The Interactive Nature of Communication “When people communicate they make predictions about the effects, or outcomes, of their communication behaviors..” Miller G. & Steinberg M. 1975 Between People Chicago: Science Research Associates, Page 18

14 Intercultural Interactions Social Ease + A Few Beers 1.Read each situation – and the possible explanations for each. 2.Select what you think the most likely explanation. 3.Discuss in groups – try to explain WHY you think the explanation you choose is the most likely. 4.Can you relate the situations to anything similar you have experienced?

15 Intercultural Interaction 1 Social Ease ANSWER 2 In Indonesia, laughter is one means of dispersing the tension that arises from embarrassing or otherwise difficult situation.

16 Intercultural Interaction 1 Social Ease ANSWER 2 It tells the person who is embarrassed or in other trouble that he or she is cared for and that others will help lessen his or her burden by sharing in it and lightening it. Even when a person talks about the death of a close relative, others may laugh, again to help disperse the tears and lighten the burden.

17 Intercultural Interaction 2 A few Beers ANSWER 2 There is a taboo about personal contact with the left hand in many nations of Asia and Africa. The left hand is considered hygienically unclean and should not contact either people or food. An individual could expect a similar reaction if he or she is seen eating with the left hand.

18 Bus Stop Video Clip Watch the person on the corresponding side of the bus stop to your location in the lecture theatre Note as many instances of nvc as you can Compare with a partner – and relate these to the concepts of social space and frame

19 Bus Stop Video Clip – Second viewing Look now at how each person responds to the other Note any instances of behaviours indicating the participants are engaging in/responding to: –Co-presence –Face –Disattend track –Asychrony Consider how the bus stop itself acts as a social space and may be framed differently by the two participants

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