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Development of the NO2 sonde Wesley Sluis Ankie PitersMarc Allaart.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of the NO2 sonde Wesley Sluis Ankie PitersMarc Allaart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of the NO2 sonde Wesley Sluis Ankie PitersMarc Allaart

2 Requirements Range 1-100 ppb Fast (1 second) Lightweight (100 grams) Little power (1 watt) Cheap (disposable) Not dangerous to finder / environment Works at high altitude

3 Design of the instrument



6 Temperature dependence (1) The housing of the sonde is made of Polystyrene (PS), and is a good insulator. Typical temperature range during a balloon flight (CINDI): 20 – 40 o C. Temperature rising caused by Teflon air pump. What is the influence of the temperature on the emitted light signal?

7 Temperature dependence (2) Set up: - Detector in PS box. - Constant NO 2 concentration introduced to luminol solution. - CO 2 scrubber is used to prevent acidification. -Temperature is monitored. Result: The change in the scaling factor is within 2.0 % per degree Celsius for temperatures starting at 20 o C to 40 o C.

8 pH dependence Acidification caused by CO 2 : CO2 + KOH  KHCO3 KHCO3 + KOH  K2CO3 + H2O It is also possible to estimate the pH as a function of time, and make a parameterization of the signal as a function of pH. This method makes it possible to correct the instrument’s response for any know initial pH.

9 Comparison of the NO2 sonde with an in situ monitor Special thanks to Lou Gast, RIVM


11 Conclusions Temperature is characterized, The change in the scaling factor is within 2.0 % per degree Celsius for temperatures starting at 20 o C to 40 o C. Good comparison with the photolytic analyzer. Measured the same dynamical range of changing NO 2 concentrations. Small variations of 1ppbv NO 2 are well captured by the NO 2 sonde.

12 Outlook Finishing paper about “The development of the nitrogen dioxide sonde”. Complete the calibration of the NO 2 sonde. Focus on launching some sondes this year. Promoting NO 2 sonde, i.e. EGU 2010

13 We: Wesley Sluis Ankie Piters Marc Allaart Thanks: Ruud Hoogeveen (SRON) Jan Venema (RIVM) Yipin.Zhou (EMPA) Enno Peters (University of Bremen) Andre van Londen Richard Rothe Rob Agterberg Ed Worrell Cor van Oort Werkplaats Photos: Piet Stammes Marc Allaart This project is partially financed by NIVR : Sciavisi project

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