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Showing the way the future n Using a complexity lens to look at new ways of “Making a World of Difference” using an emergent approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Showing the way the future n Using a complexity lens to look at new ways of “Making a World of Difference” using an emergent approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing the way the future n Using a complexity lens to look at new ways of “Making a World of Difference” using an emergent approach.

2 Overview n Why look at things differently n What is the complexity lens n Using an emergent approach n How do we apply this to organisations? n What does this mean for TINN? n What does this mean for nurses?

3 Why do things differently? n Whats wrong with the way we do things now? “Conventional Wisdom” n A World view-global perspective n World of Drugs and Alcohol is complex n We have complex policies n Our clients present complex needs n We have to be adaptable to work across boundaries

4 Complexity Lens n The model is a network both dynamic and non- linear n Interaction is rich and diverse n Information is transmitted across the network

5 Complexity Thinking n The point of departure into the world of complexity thinking is at the recognition of the tension between classical rationalist approach to thinking and emergent approaches. n Use this tension and build on it. We experience the difference between a planned future an emergent reality everyday. We live with the distinction between what we want to happen and what does happen. n The way forward is adaptation not adoption

6 Complex Adaptive Systems Far from Agreement Close to Agreement Far from Certainty Close to Certainty Self-organizing Forms of Control Complexity INSTABILITY Out of Control Ideological Forms of Control STABILITY Political Forms of Control Monitoring Forms of Control

7 Complexity Thinking n Erodes the myth of control and certainty n Plan but be realistic –Have contingencies –Experiment –If its not working try something new –Build on what is working –Watch whats going on internally and externally

8 Complexity n Diversity –Generally despite rhetoric we like people to do what they are told –We recruit in our own image and dismiss difference “mavericks”. –A new kind of leadership - create environments to empower and innovate

9 Paradoxical Leadership n Change is lead in a very different way “work with and for people don’t do to them” n Who we are and how we relate to others influences the culture that emerges. n We must give up the myth of autonomy, control and omniscience.

10 Paradoxical Leadership n 3 practises that cultivate conditions for change and adaptability –Accessibility –Attuned –Allowing

11 Complexity an emergent approach n Innovation n Decentralised n Goodwill n Flexibility n Visionary n Potential n Shared Purpose n Mutual respect n Containment n Reflective Practise n Managers are cultivators n Fertilising connections n Individual accountability

12 What does this mean for organisations n We structure organisations that give us control n New ways of seeing organisations? n “Virtual Organisations” “Networks” n Collaborating on joint projects n Working across boundaries where we share the power

13 “It seems to me that whereas power usually means power-over, the power of some person or group over some other person or group, it is possible to develop conception of power-with, a jointly developed power, a co-active not a coercive power….Coercive power is the curse of the universe:co-active power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul” Mary Follet

14 What does this mean for TINN? n To facilitate collaboration through the connection of professional nursing organisations and individual nurses by working togeather to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with substance misuse and make a world of difference.

15 The Ten Themes of TINN n Education of SMS nurses for all nurses in all curricula n Pioneering advocacy programmes for nurses n International guidelines for nurses n Culturally sensitive nursing models n Good terms and conditions n Communicate with each other use internet n Professional partnerships n Nurses need to talk to communities that treatment works n Nurses have a role everywhere in policy formation in public health

16 The Tenth Theme To keep spreading the word, to continue to be inclusive and adapt and to build on this conference. Another conference to be organised for 2005 in Taiwan at the ICN congress.

17 What does this mean for me? Nurses are everywhere! n We are clinicians n We are users of service n Policy makers n Health Ministers n Care givers n Educators n Leaders n CEO’s n Criminal Justice System n Professors n Researchers n Students n Families n Worldwide!

18 We can shape the future n Imagine a new system a complex adaptive system, within it are numerous individuals individuals that interconnect with one another via various means. This system is led by their passion to provide the best possible healthcare to the citizens of the world. They havel the autonomy and the evidence available to them to make decisions on the the best and appropriate clinical care at the point of delivery. This system is led by leaders who facilitate other peoples potential, they do not command or control although they may challenge. They create an environment that fosters creativity, innovation and excellence for the international health community

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