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V v v v Infectious Diseases Unit 5.1 How do we get better?

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Presentation on theme: "V v v v Infectious Diseases Unit 5.1 How do we get better?"— Presentation transcript:

1 v v v v Infectious Diseases Unit 5.1 How do we get better?

2 Thomas Crown Affair Watch the video clip Fill our the chart while watching the movie: After the video we will answer 5 questions in teams to relate the video to our body’s immune system. v v v v

3 Museum Defenses Physical Barriers of the Museum that help keep invaders out Technological Systems that help identify invaders Museum personnel that help identify and deal with invaders Devices that help spread the word of invaders Non Museum personnel that deal with invaders

4 Question 1 1. What is the purpose of the physical barriers in a museum? Are they meant to keep just invaders out? All people out? What are the advantages to this system?

5 Question 2 What are the different roles of museum personnel? Are they meant to indiscriminately keep people out? Or just invaders? How do they identify potential invaders?

6 Question 3 What are some ways that the museum personnel communicate with each other?

7 Question 4 Go through the 13 cards of our immune defenses. Think about how each one is analogous to a part of the museum security system. Decide where each card would best be analogous by writing its defense in the chart. ex.) Skin is analogous to a physical barrier of museum

8 Analogous Body Defenses Physical Barriers Help identify invaders “Personnel” that identify and deal with invaders Help spread the word of invaders “Non- personnel” that deal with invaders Skin

9 Analogous Body Defenses Physical BarriersHelp Identify Museum Personnel (help + identify) Devices that spread the word Non-Museum personnel that deal with invaders Skin Complement system NeutrophilsChemokinesAntibiotics MucusAntibodiesMonocytesCytokines Stomach acidMacrophages Competing bacteria Tears Lysozymes Defensins Intestinal Epithelium

10 Question 5 How did the invaders try to circumvent the various parts of the museum security system? Name two ways that body invaders circumvent the immune systems? What are similarities and differences between the two situations?

11 Wrap up What do immune cells use to recognize a threat? v v v v

12 Innate vs. Adaptive Immune System v v v v

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