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Naturopathic Aid & Common Remedies By Anthony Wallace, CALA, ND P.C.D.I. Healthcare and Consultants of Texas All Rights © Reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Naturopathic Aid & Common Remedies By Anthony Wallace, CALA, ND P.C.D.I. Healthcare and Consultants of Texas All Rights © Reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naturopathic Aid & Common Remedies By Anthony Wallace, CALA, ND P.C.D.I. Healthcare and Consultants of Texas All Rights © Reserved

2 Introduction This is a brief introduction in to the field of Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine. This presentation is an education presentation of the common herbs and supplements that are used to treat common illnesses. The presentation will educate the reader on herbology, nutrition, and life style changes. We will also discuss the role of the naturopath and how it can help maintain a healthier lifestyle.

3 Disclaimer This presentation should not be used to diagnose or treat any kind of injuries or illness without consulting with your primary doctor. Any alternative methods of healing such as herb therapy, nutritional changes, or other methods of healing should be discussed with your primary physician. Combining some therapies or herbs with conventional medication can cause adverse reactions, un wanted side effects, or even death.

4 Definitions Traditional Naturopath – These are certified/licensed professionals that only practice medicine by traditional methods without the use of conventional drugs (aspirin, Tylenol, etc). The approach is through herbs and other natural therapies. Conventional Naturopath – This is a licensed professional that has attended a Naturopathic Medical College and can prescribe drugs to the general public. This professional uses natural therapies but mostly uses drugs as an MD/DO. This professional can be referred to as a NMD (Naturopathic Medical Doctor) Nutritionist – This professional specialized in whole-food nutrition to cure or treat elements and prevent disease. This is a professional that does not have to attend a school or could learn by correspondence.

5 Definition Clinical Dietician – This is a license/registered professional that directs and prescribes nutritional therapies for patients that are in a hospital or clinical setting. This professional may interpret lab results, perform nutritional counseling, and may prescribe therapies to patients in high acuity areas ( ICU, CCU, Burn Units, etc). Herbologist - This professional is a person that specialize in plant therapy. This professional can tailor herbs to treat diseases according to the symptoms of illness. This is an expert in harvesting and preparations of medicinal plants. Sharman - This is a tribal position elected to perform a work of a “medicine man”. This professional is elected by tribal elders and chiefs of the village and can oversee all medical interventions and treatments in the village. The Sharman is also the key to the spiritual ram of healing (mind- body medicine.

6 Definitions Witch Doctor – This is referred to as a traditional Medical Practitioner. Witch doctors are people that practice spiritual medicine to cure or treat the patient. The witch doctor will prescribe herbal meds, blood and animal sacrifice, and dancing to summon the spirits to treat the patient. Systolic Blood Pressure – The first strong beat that is heard through a stethoscope Diastolic Blood Pressure – The last strong beat that is heard through a stethoscope. Tinctures – These are remedies that are used on the outside of the body to cleanse or aid in pain relief. These tonics are mostly made from vodka. Salve – These are remedies that are used on the outside of the body to heal small wounds or cuts. Mostly made from petroleum jelly or oils.

7 Philosophy of Practice In the field of naturopathy, all healing methods rely on natures strength to cure or treat the patient. The sunlight, fresh air, clean pure water, and whole nutrition are way how a naturopath might approach a particular illness. Naturopaths will employ other herbs, manipulations, and various therapies that you can conduct at home to relieve the symptoms or illness. A naturopath may have may treatment techniques that are quite different from other natural therapies. All therapies must be tailored to the patient and never generic (the same for everyone).

8 Soft Tissue Lining Red Onion – is a vegetable that has long been a healer of many. This onion can treat many elements such as ulcers, conjunctivitis (pink eye), small wounds, and has the ability to heal the after effects of gastric diseases (erosions) over time.

9 Gastritis Orange Peels – This fruit is not only high in vitamin C but may reduce gas by sitting the peels into a hot cup of water and drinking the liquid from the peel. It is also a remedy for headaches

10 Small Cuts Basil – This plant has antibiotic properties to it. By holding a fresh leaf on the wound and covering with bandage it will prevent disease cause bacteria to get into the wound. Plus it is a localized pain reliever. This plant can also be used in a tea as a relaxant.

11 Tinctures Preparations Tincture are made from herbs and vodka. The mixture is prepared that morning and is sat in a mason jar for 1-3 days to infuse the plants medicinal properties into the vodka. The vodka is never to drink but can be used as an antibiotic tincture to kill surface bacteria, an extractor to withdraw unwanted fluids from the site. This combination is easier to manipulated then a salve or tonic

12 Salves Preparations This method of healing uses oils and herbs to treat the patient. Most salves are made from mineral oils or olive oils and infused for 2 -3 days in a cool place. This action will allow for the plant to release its properties into the oils. The oil are never made to digest but to aid in cuts, burses, or scraps This methods must be precise in acid and based combinations.

13 Tonics Preparations This method of healing must be precise to acid and base combinations. The tonic base must be honey (raw or wild) and water. Then herbs are added to it which can make it acidic or too alkaline. Herb combination must be calculated by a license herbist or naturopath to ensure a safe range dosing. Some herbs cannot be combined together as a tonic because of its like properties or it antagonist reactions.

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