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Presentation on theme: "A MEDICINE CABINET IN YOUR KITCHEN"— Presentation transcript:

Medicinal Uses of Common spices and herbs Annette M. Leas

2 Traditional Use of Spices and Herbs
Flavoring in foods and baking products Flavoring in teas Aromatics

3 All Spice Scientific Name: Pimento officinalis
Origin: Central America, Mexico, and West Indies Allspice grown on a tree and originates in Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies

4 Medicinal Uses Indigestion Flatulence Muscle Pain
Available forms: Extract, oil, powder

5 Anise Scientific Name: Pimpinella anisum Origin: Throughout the world
Anise is an annual flower that is grown throughout the world.

6 Medicinal Uses Expectorant Antibacterial Diuretic Stimulant
Indigestion Available forms: Whole herb, essential oil, toothpaste

7 Basil Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum Origin: Throughout the world
Basil belongs to the mint family and is widely grown throughout the world.

8 Medicinal Uses Antiseptic Antidiabetic Antiinflammatory
Immunostimulant Anxiety Available forms: Leaves (chopped and powdered), tea, and tincture

9 Cinnamon Scientific name: Cinnamomum
Origin: India, South America, Sri Lanka, and the West Indies

10 Medicinal Uses Antifungal Analgesic Antiseptic Common cold Diarrhea
Available Forms: Dried bark, essential oil, leaves, fluid extract, powder, tincture

11 Garlic Scientific Name: Allium sativum Origin: Throughout the world
Garlic is a perennial that grows a bulb dissident like an onio

12 Medicinal Uses Antilipidemic Antimicrobial Antiasthmatic
Antiinflammatory Available Forms: Bulbs, capsules, extract, oil, powder, syrup, tablets, and tea

13 Ginger Scientific Name: Zingiber officinale
Origin: Asia, South America, China, India, Africa and The United States

14 Medicinal Uses Motion sickness Morning Sickness Sore throat
Migraine headaches Nausea and vomiting Available Forms: Capsules, dried root, extract, fresh root, powder, tablets, tea, and tincture

15 Nutmeg Scientific Name: Origin:

16 Medicinal Uses Anxiety Depression Tooth aches
Gastrointestinal disorders Joint pain Available Forms: Capsules, essential oil, powder

17 Oregano Scientific Name: Origin:

18 Medicinal Uses Expectorant Insect repellant and bites Athletes foot
Intestinal disorders Respiratory disorders Available Forms: Capsules, dried herb, oil

19 Parsley Scientific Name: Origin:

20 Medicinal Uses Cough Menstrual Irregularities Flatulence Joint pain
Inflammation Available forms: Leaves, seeds, capsules, essential oil, fluid extract, and tea

21 Sage Scientific Name: Origin:

22 Medicinal Uses Menstrual disorders Sore throat Depression
Alzheimer's disease Gastrointestinal disorders Available Forms: Whole plant, extract

23 Turmeric Scientific Name: Origin

24 Medicinal Uses Menstrual disorders Colic Inflammation Dyspepsia
Hematuria Flatulence Available Forms: Dried rhizome, capsules, fluid extract, oil, spice, and tincture

25 Consult Your Physician
Dosages Contraindications Side effects / Adverse reactions Drug interactions

26 References Skidmore-Roth, L. (2010). Mosby's Handbook of Herbs and Natural Supplements . St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.


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