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SERDP- ESTCP- ITRC A PARTNERSHIP Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee ESTCP, Director SERDP, Technical Director.

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Presentation on theme: "SERDP- ESTCP- ITRC A PARTNERSHIP Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee ESTCP, Director SERDP, Technical Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 SERDP- ESTCP- ITRC A PARTNERSHIP Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee ESTCP, Director SERDP, Technical Director

2 Basic and Applied Research Demonstration / Validation DoD’s Environmental Technology Programs

3 Environmental Quality Sustainable Infrastructure Environmental Restoration Weapons Systems & Platforms Munitions Management

4 DUSD(I&E) SERDP DERP/O&M ESTCP DDR&E DUSD(I&E) Commercial Requirements Basic/Applied Research Basic/Applied Research Implementation Commercialization Advanced Development Advanced Development REGULATORY COOPERATION INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS Demonstration / Validation Demonstration / Validation Environmental Technology Development Process REGULATORY COOPERATION - ITRC

5 Our Impacts Cost Avoidance and Savings Improved Environmental Performance Improved Mission Performance

6 Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) Passive In Situ Treatment Chlorinated solvents treatment 21 DoD full scale systems 969899000102030405 ESTCP Support Operational Systems 1 ST DoD Demo ITRC Reg. Doc. ITRC Design Doc. ITRC Lesson Learned Doc. Multi Site Demo 1 st 10 th 20 th NPV Saving > $150 M

7 DoD Cleanup Funding Fiscal Year

8 Where are we?

9 Opportunities and Challenges What are the priorities? –Needs of DoD –Potential to impact cleanup program Lets be proactive not reactive DNAPL Molecular Biology Sediments Emerging Contaminants UXO

10 Chlorinated Solvents Drive the costs of DoD groundwater cleanup Decisions on DNAPL are critical –Cleanup objectives –Remedy selection –Remedy design and optimization Science based engineering decisions –Technology applications –Assessing remedies Short and long term –Monitoring performance

11 Field Application of Molecular Biological Tools Explosion of techniques –Fundamentally changed laboratory microbiology Can they truly impact the field? –Design, Monitoring and Assessment What decisions will they affect? How reliable are they?

12 Contaminated Sediments Over 200 Navy sites –$1B liability Sediment treatment option are limited –Large complex sites –Ecologically complex Need for in-situ management options –Science based risk management

13 Emerging Groundwater Contaminants Perchlorate is here what is next? –N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) –1,4 Dioxane –1,2,3 Tricholropropane (TCP) –....? All probable human carcinogens All highlighted by regulatory agencies Uncertain distribution but may be widespread All are persistent and mobile We need to be proactive not reactive

14 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) UXO Contamination of land and water –>20 million acres –> 3300 sites –>$20B liability R&D Objectives –Wide Area Assessment –Detection & Discrimination –Land and Water –Recovery and Disposal –Planning and Support Critical technical decisions –Impact in the $billions

15 Wide Area Assessment Challenge of managing >20M acres –Most is contamination free But which part? How do we decide on no further action? –Visible –Defensible –Reproducible The key is technology site  68,000 acres Target #1 Target #5 Air Strip Bomb Camp Target #2 Target #4 Target #3 Target #6 75 mm Range (suspected) AUX 4 AUX 1 AUX 2 Pueblo Precision Bombing Range #2 FFID: CO89799F058600 FUDS Site: B08CO071501

16 UXO Discrimination Complex Risk Decisions DocumentClassify Identify Characterize MEASUREDMODEL Challenge of decisions based on limited data –Cost effective cleanup maximizes risk reduction Risk is not static How do we decide to dig or not? –Visible –Defensible –Reproducible The key is technology

17 Underwater UXO Challenge of managing risk in a dangerous environment Two primary risk drivers: –Explosive safety –Environmental toxicity Management actions –Assess risk –Mitigate when necessary What is the science? What are the real technical options?

18 Opportunities Remediation is a knowledge based industry –Science can impact near term Rigorous field trials are critical –Validated information Rapid transfer of information is critical –Decisions need to be made SERDP-ESTCP-ITRC –A partnership that works

19 Sponsored by SERDP and ESTCP Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop November 28 – 30, 2006 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, D.C.

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