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Getting on the Same Page – Communications for Effective Data Governance U.S. Department of Education NCES STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference Building Data Bridges.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting on the Same Page – Communications for Effective Data Governance U.S. Department of Education NCES STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference Building Data Bridges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting on the Same Page – Communications for Effective Data Governance U.S. Department of Education NCES STATS-DC 2012 Data Conference Building Data Bridges Mayflower Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC July12, 2012

2 2 On the Same Page - Communications

3 3 Introductions Your presenters…. The audience (that’s you!) –What entity do you represent? State Education Agency School District (Local Education Agency) Organization –Do you have a role in data governance? Data stewardship? –Does your data governance organization have a communications plan?

4 4 On the Same Page - Communications Session Objective TO: Share ED’s methodology for developing a data governance communications plan IN A WAY THAT: raises awareness of who and what needs to be communicated SO THAT: your organization realizes benefits from adopting and implementing a data governance communications plan

5 5 On the Same Page - Communications Session Agenda WHAT? A Communications Plan Explained WHY? Needs for a Communications Plan WHO? Communications Plan Stakeholders HOW? Methodology for Creating a Communications Plan WHEN? Timing for Successful Plan Development and Implementation EXPECTATIONS? Challenges and Benefits

6 6 On the Same Page - Communications A COMMUNICATIONS PLAN EXPLAINED What?

7 7 On the Same Page - Communications A Communications Plan… Recognizes that the act of managing and governing data produces information that needs to be shared Provides structure to support sharing information related to data governance Is a reference document that identifies the data governance stakeholders, the data governance topics for which information needs to be shared, and how the information will be shared

8 8 On the Same Page - Communications Communications Plan Grid TOPICS EDGB Members ED Senior Leadership Data Stewards Data Strategy Team PSC ED Contractors SEAs As needed Users EDGB OrganizationXXXX X X EDGB Mission and GoalsXX X EDGB Activities and EventsX EDGB ProcessesX X EDGB IssuesX X EDGB DecisionsXXXXXXXX EDFacts Data SetX X XXX Data Quality Metrics and MeasuresX XX X TrainingX X XX

9 9 On the Same Page - Communications NEEDS FOR A COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Why?

10 10 On the Same Page - Communications Reasons for Planning Communications Improve teamwork and information sharing. Guide and support the sharing information-- key in fulfilling data stewardship roles and responsibilities. Save time figuring out who needs to know what. Helps establish consistent communication. Reduces risk of key information going unshared.

11 11 On the Same Page - Communications

12 12 On the Same Page - Communications COMMUNICATIONS PLAN STAKEHOLDERS Who?

13 13 On the Same Page - Communications Data Governance Stakeholders All data governance stakeholders need to receive and share information related to the management of data. A communications plan identifies who needs to receive and who needs to convey specific information. Stakeholders may include: data governance board members, data providers, data users, IT staff, agency leadership, others unique to your organization and its needs.


15 15 On the Same Page - Communications Communications Plan Methodology Step 1: Identify purpose of plan Step 2: Identify and define the topics for which information sharing is needed Step 3: Identify and define the stakeholders who need to receive and share information Step 4: Determine for which combinations of topic/stakeholder information should be shared Step 5: For each identified combination, define what will be communicated, by whom, how, and when

16 16 On the Same Page - Communications Step 1: Define Plan Purpose Customize to the goals and need of the organization Purpose Example: Provide two-way and multi-way communication regarding data governance Systematize data governance communication for consistency and reduced risk

17 17 On the Same Page - Communications Step 2: Identify & Define Topics EDGB TopicsTopic Descriptions EDGB Organization This is the leadership and membership structure of EDGB and how the Board operates. This topic also includes EDGB tools of operation (e.g., EDGB MAX) and how EDGB fits into ED’s overall organization and functions. This topic provides for the communication of documentation that describes how EDGB is organized, such as the EDGB one-pager, membership list, roles and responsibilities, and charter. EDGB Mission and Goals This is the Board defined purpose of EDGB and the annual objectives that guide the work of the Board. This topic provides for the communication of EDGB’s mission and goals including strategies and efforts for fulfilling the mission and goals. EDGB Processes This topic provides for the communication of EDGB adopted processes such as the EDFacts Data Set Amendment Process, and the Workgroup Decisionmaking Process. EDGB Issues This topic provides for the communication of issues as they make their way through EDGB. It includes the communication of agenda item requests, the formation of workgroups, workgroup recommendations, and issue escalations. EDGB Decisions This topic provides for the communication of decisions adopted by EDGB such as issue resolutions, standards, and policies not elsewhere covered in the description of other topics. EDFacts Data SetThis topic provides for the communication of the EDFacts Data Set and any updates made to it.

18 18 On the Same Page - Communications Step 3: Identify & Define Stakeholders EDGB StakeholderStakeholder Description EDGB Members Representatives from EDFacts stakeholder offices who have EDGB voting authority. The official list of EDGB members can be found on EDGB MAX. ED Senior Leadership The first and second highest level executives of ED’s principal offices (e.g., Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Commissioner). Data Stewards Individuals at the program level with day–to-day responsibility for the management and analysis of a given group of data. Data Strategy Team ED’s body charged with coordinating and approving the Department’s data initiatives. Partner Support Center (PSC) The contractor supported EDFacts help desk that serves as an interface between state EDFacts coordinators and ED’s offices. ED ContractorsProfessionals who are not ED employees, but are under contract to provide specialized services to ED offices.

19 19 On the Same Page - Communications Step 4: Determine Topic/Stakeholder Combinations TOPICS EDGB Members ED Senior Leadership Data Stewards Data Strategy Team PSC ED Contractors SEAs As needed Users EDGB OrganizationXXXX X X EDGB Mission and GoalsXX X EDGB Activities and EventsX EDGB ProcessesX X EDGB IssuesX X EDGB DecisionsXXXXXXXX EDFacts Data SetX X XXX Data Quality Metrics and MeasuresX XX X TrainingX X XX

20 20 On the Same Page - Communications Step 4: Determine Topic/Stakeholder Combinations TOPICS EDGB Members ED Senior Leadership Data Stewards Data Strategy Team PSC ED Contractors SEAs As needed Users EDGB OrganizationXXXX X X EDGB Mission and GoalsXX X EDGB Activities and EventsX EDGB ProcessesX X EDGB IssuesX X EDGB DecisionsXXXXXXXX EDFacts Data SetX X XXX Data Quality Metrics and MeasuresX XX X TrainingX X XX

21 21 On the Same Page - Communications Step 5: Define What, Who, How, & When EDGB Members What A detailed list of the EDGB Mission, goals, strategies, measures and due dates Who and How The Data Governance Program Team will notify EDGB members via minutes of the EDGB meeting in which adoption of EDGB mission and goals took place. The minutes will include a hyperlink to the posting of the adopted EDGB mission and goals on EDGB MAX. When The minutes must be posted to EDGB MAX within one week of the meeting at which they were adopted. ED Senior Leadership What The EDGB mission and a high-level summary of the goals for a calendar year. Who and How The Data Governance Program Team will update the EDGB one-pager with the EDGB mission and a high- level summary of EDGB goals and make it available to EDGB members. Each EDGB member is responsible for sharing the one-pager with the senior leaders of their respective offices via email or a briefing. The EDGB Chair will share the one-pager with ED’s senior leaders who use EDFacts data but are not represented on EDGB. When The updated one-pager should be shared within a month of adopting the goals, unless an alternate date is identified by the EDGB Chair. Data Strategy Team (DST) What The EDGB mission and a high-level summary of the goals for a calendar year. Who and How The Data Governance Program Team will update the EDGB one-pager with the EDGB mission and a high- level summary of EDGB goals. The EDGB Chair will share the one-pager with the DST co-chairs. When The updated one-pager should be shared within a month of adopting the goals, unless an alternate date is identified by the EDGB Chair.


23 23 On the Same Page - Communications Communications Plan Timing Pre-requisites: the data governance organization must have –Stakeholders –Items to be communicated Living, organic foundational document of data governance Update at least annually Involve data governance board members in development and implementation of plan

24 24 On the Same Page - Communications CHALLENGES & BENEFITS Expectations ?

25 25 On the Same Page - Communications Communications Plan Challenges & Benefits Challenges –Getting member input during plan development –Determining the best way to communicate –Including everyone you should –Including everything you should –Managing change for implementation Benefits –Clearly defined communications responsibilities –Greater awareness of what needs to be shared –Allows systemization of regular communication, freeing up time for other endeavors

26 26 On the Same Page - Communications Discussion: Communications Plan Development and Implementation What is your data governance organization’s approach to consistent communication? What are your data governance communications challenges and how do you overcome them? What is the utility of having and using a communications plan? How might you benefit from the adoption of a communications plan?

27 27 On the Same Page - Communications

28 28 On the Same Page - Communications Thank you! We appreciate your thoughts and attention. For more information, please contact: Bobbi Stettner-Eaton Darla Marburger

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