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Congress agenda items need-to-know-guide. Congress - 10-14 May 2009. Harrogate Where members meet to learn, develop professionally and share excellent.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress agenda items need-to-know-guide. Congress - 10-14 May 2009. Harrogate Where members meet to learn, develop professionally and share excellent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress agenda items need-to-know-guide

2 Congress - 10-14 May 2009. Harrogate Where members meet to learn, develop professionally and share excellent nursing practice.

3 Where members inform and influence nursing and health policies through debate and by voting on agenda items.

4 Matters for discussion: Important subjects which merit debate and deserve the attention of Congress. Don’t ask for direct action but are worthy of discussion at the top level.

5 Resolutions: Items which have a vote.

6  Chair of Congress: Jason Warriner  Vice Chair of Congress: Rod Thomson  Chair of Council: Sandra James  Agenda Committee Members Elected at Congress;  Sue McBean  Andrew McGovern  Lisa Lester  Stuart McKenzie

7 u Meets on average four times per year and during Congress week twice daily. u Reviews most recent Congress. u Considers items for Congress Agenda. u Generates initial agenda for approval by Council. u Facilitates the agenda at Congress.

8 That this meeting of RCN Congress agrees that all RCN events have fair trade refreshments and that all RCN goods are, as far as possible, Fair trade, ethically sourced or recycled/renewable in line with the RCN signing up to the make poverty history campaign at Congress

9 That this meeting of RCN Congress resolves to oppose the replacement of Trident submarines nuclear weapons system and to call for the decommissioning of the existing Trident weapons system

10 Reasons items get rejected….

11 u Poor quality of supporting information: Some items have no supporting information at all and many have only a short paragraph not backed up with evidence. u Item not suitable for debate: There are two sides to a debate. Some items do not go forward because there would be too much unanimous opinion.

12 u Too narrow: Subject matter relevant to only small percentage of members. Relevance to all four countries is also important. u Debated too recently: e.g. within last three years.

13 u Existing Policy: e.g. Items asking for Council to act on things that are already part of official RCN policy or have ongoing work on them

14 u That this meeting of RCN Congress demands that Council lobby the Governments of the four countries of the UK for an end to contract cleaning within the NHS and for cleaning services within the NHS to be brought back into public ownership u That this meeting of RCN Congress discuss alternatives to the continuing assessment pre-registration students are subjected to over the three year course

15 u That this meeting of RCN Congress requests Council to act to protect and maintain the pay review body for nurses u That this meeting of RCN Congress debates the inequalities of payment by results for patient care in a cash strapped NHS

16 u Is the matter pertinent to the RCN and nursing? u Could the matter have a “four country” perspective? u Could the matter be related to the Strategic Objectives for 2008-2013? u Can Council and the RCN really undertake what is being asked? u Will the topic generate debate?

17 u Ensure that the topic has not been on the agenda in the last four years. u Provide clear and concise supporting information. u Don’t make the submission sound like a rant. u Remember it has to stand out amongst over 200 other submissions.

18 To ensure the whole agenda is topical and lively, the Agenda Committee allow time in the debating sessions for emergency items. u Emergency items should relate to matters and topics which have occurred since the closing date of the call for items. u These items are often matters which encourage a great deal of debate

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