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Bullfights and Cockfights What’s Your Opinion? Can you back it up?

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Presentation on theme: "Bullfights and Cockfights What’s Your Opinion? Can you back it up?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullfights and Cockfights What’s Your Opinion? Can you back it up?
The Debate Bullfights and Cockfights What’s Your Opinion? Can you back it up?


3 Table of Contents Rationale (why?) Task Topics
Steps (What your group needs to do) The Debate Bullfights Cockfights Rubrics Conclusion Resources 11. Standards

4 Why? Bullfights and Cockfights have been around for centuries in Latin American countries, Spain, as well as many other countries, and the goal is to look at the cultural roles of these “fights” and see how opinions have changed or stayed the same over the years and what you as students have to say about it. Table of Contents

5 Task Your group needs to research your topic using the sources I have provided along with any other sources you have found to be reliable to create your “case”. You will need to have at least 5 strong points to support your opinion (For each point, you need to have a paragraph to explain why it is important). You will also want to research the other side to find out what the other side believes. Once everyone has researched and prepared a “case” we will begin the debate. Table of Contents

6 Topics For Bullfighting For Cockfighting Against Bullfighting
Against Cockfighting Table of Contents

7 Step by Step Look over the entire project.
Research your topic using the links in this presentation. (use at least 5 sources with a works cited page) Figure out the 5 strongest points for your side of the debate. (By the end of Day 1) Write a paragraph for each point describing why it is a strong reason. This is not a 5 paragraph essay. (Done by end of Day 3) Find some information about the other side’s point of view. The Debate Table of Contents

8 Paragraphs (5 total per small group)
Native- Escribe en Español Non-Native- write in English Use at least 6 sentences per paragraph. Cite your sources (MLA). You need to use at least 5 sources. Each group will turn in ONE paper with all of the paragraphs (5). Also turn in a works cited page. It will be a group grade. My rubric is attached. Sample of what a paragraph should look like. Table of Contents

9 The Debate Now is the time for you to show off your research. For the debate to work, each side needs to be respectful of the other. One side will present a point, and then the other side will have the opportunity to respond. It will continue on in this manner, until a group decides to bring a new point (or if I say we need to continue). Respect will be the most important factor of the debate and I expect everyone to handle themselves maturely. In order to get points, you need to participate in the debate. Debate Guidelines Table of Contents

10 Rubrics Debate Rubric (On Debate Page on my website)
Writing Rubric ( Page 2 of the PDF file) Debate- possible 10 points (individual grade) Paragraphs- 50 points (group grade) Works Cited- 10 points (group grade) Total of 70 points possible. Table of Contents

11 Bullfighting Articles
For/Against Go to my website for more articles. Look for your own articles as well. Remember to cite the articles in your research. Use at least 5 different resources and site them. Table of Contents

12 Cockfighting Articles
For/Against Go to my website for articles. Search the web for your own articles as well. Remember to cite the articles in your research. You need to use at least 5 resources and site them. Table of Contents

13 Conclusion The goal of this debate is to look at the different views on “animal cruelty” throughout different cultures. It is good to be able to see traditions in other cultures and discover why it is that they do those things. The other goal is to learn how to create a strong case using research and facts, rather than just opinion. Hopefully this was a good experience for you and that you learned some new information in the process. There are not winners and losers in this debate, it is more so to see how well you learned to express yourself. At the end of the debate you will write a reflection paper describing what you learned throughout the project Table of Contents

14 Resources letter from spain. By: Danto, Ginger, Brandweek, , 5/12/2003, Vol. 44, Issue 19 Man and bull. By: Hendra, Tony, Harper's Magazine, X, Nov96, Vol. 293, Issue 1758 Not in front of the children. Economist, , 05/08/99, Vol. 351, Issue 8118 Activists provoke Mexicans to see bullfights as cruel. By: LaFranchi, Howard, Christian Science Monitor, , 10/13/95, Vol. 87, Issue 223 Big beef over bullfights in Portugal. By: Almeida, Miguel, Christian Science Monitor, , 10/7/99, Vol. 91, Issue 219 bullfighting Columbia Encyclopedia Mexican dwarfs seek respect in bullfighting. By:Chris Hawley, Source: USA Today; 11/19/2007 SPORT? NOT A SPORT? THIS WEEK: BULLFIGHTING. By: Maisel, Ivan, Kim, Albert, Kennedy, Kostya, Sports Illustrated, X, 5/13/2002, Vol. 96, Issue 20 THE BULLFIGHT IS NOT A SPORT”. Writing, , Jan2002, Vol. 24, Issue 4 cockfighting Columbia Encyclopedia Cockfighting's 'cultural tradition' kept alive in USA USA Today, , JAN 23, 2007 Table of Contents

15 Taken from 5 C’s of Foreign Language
Communication The communication standard stresses the use of language for communication in "real life" situations. It emphasizes "what students can do with language" rather than "what they know about language." Students are asked to communicate in oral and written form, interpret oral and written messages, show cultural understanding when they communicate, and present oral and written information to various audiences for a variety of purposes. Cultures Cultural understanding is an important part of world languages education. Experiencing other cultures develops a better understanding and appreciation of the relationship between languages and other cultures, as well as the student's native culture. Students become better able to understand other people's points of view, ways of life, and contributions to the world. Connections World languages instruction must be connected with other subject areas. Content from other subject areas is integrated with world language instruction through lessons that are developed around common themes. Comparisons Students are encouraged to compare and contrast languages and cultures. They discover patterns, make predictions, and analyze similarities and differences across languages and cultures. Students often come to understand their native language and culture better through such comparisons.

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