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Apollo Debate LLC Spring 2009 UIL LD Topic. Apollo Debate LLC Topic Overview Resolved: Federal government bailouts of major corporations is just. Roots.

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Presentation on theme: "Apollo Debate LLC Spring 2009 UIL LD Topic. Apollo Debate LLC Topic Overview Resolved: Federal government bailouts of major corporations is just. Roots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apollo Debate LLC Spring 2009 UIL LD Topic

2 Apollo Debate LLC Topic Overview Resolved: Federal government bailouts of major corporations is just. Roots of the topic. Nature of Justice in the resolution If you make philosophical arguments they must be rooted in the pragmatic.

3 Apollo Debate LLC Debating the Affirmative Resolution cuts both ways. Every individual makes sacrifices for the good of the whole. The government must bailout key industries. Bailouts are key to making economic downturns not as painful. A bailout would have prevented or made easier the Great Depression.

4 Apollo Debate LLC Debating the Affirmative Cont’d Large companies are too big to fail and must be bailed out so we do not have another Great Depression. Bailouts are not about rewarding bad performance or being corporate welfare, bailouts are about stabilizing the economy for every citizen.

5 Apollo Debate LLC Debating the Negative Bailouts disrupt the natural market forces that correct for economic woes and ensure that instead of fixing a crisis they will extend a crisis and make it more destructive. Bailouts thwart the economic forces that will turn a crisis into long-term growth and will make the crisis longer in intensity and duration.

6 Apollo Debate LLC Debating the Negative Cont’d History proves that government intervention in economic crisis is a bad idea. Bailouts increase government corruption. Bailouts reward companies and executives that make bad choices.

7 Apollo Debate LLC Debating the Negative Cont’d Deciding whom to bailout and who not to is political and arbitrary, this is not just. Bailouts are worse for the long-term economy than the recession that they try to prevent or truncate.

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