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The rights of the police to investigate a criminal offence must be carefully balanced against the rights of an individual. Do you think the police have.

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Presentation on theme: "The rights of the police to investigate a criminal offence must be carefully balanced against the rights of an individual. Do you think the police have."— Presentation transcript:

1 The rights of the police to investigate a criminal offence must be carefully balanced against the rights of an individual. Do you think the police have too much power? Justify your view. Complete a mind map of what you already know about this topic. Write down all of your ideas, even if you are unsure whether you will use them or not. Then use CREDIBLE internet sites such as………to research more about the debate. Who are the key players? What do they have to say? Research some recent examples where police powers have been extended. What is the consequence of this on the individual and the community? Research some recent examples when the police have used power. Why did they use power? What was the outcome of them using power? Did the police achieve their aims? Are those aims in line with why police exist?

2 Planning OpinionReasonsSupporting evidence What would different people say? Group/person 1: Group/person 2: Do these people have the authority to speak on this issue? How do you know?

3 Introduction State the issue Clear contention Recommendation for action Background information For example: When dealing with the criminal justice system, individuals have a right to silence, a right to be accompanied by an adult to a police station and a right to not to give evidence unless under arrest or court order. Similarly, the police have the power to arrest and search an individual. Clearly, the rights of an individual must be balanced with the right of the police to prosecute, detect crime, deter people from committing crimes and prevent crime. Police in Victoria have too much power – their actions often impinge on the rights of an individual. Using a recent case study, this essay suggests that the Parliament of Victoria restrict police to only searching an individual when they have the belief, beyond reasonable doubt, that a person has committed a crime.

4 Body (at least 3 paragraphs) EACH of your paragraphs should have TEEL: Topic sentence (what is your main point?) Explain (explain your point in detail) Evidence (provide reasons and evidence to support your argument) Linking (link the last sentence in the paragraph to your contention) You should have at least two paragraphs that support your contention and one paragraph that acknowledges the other perspectives that inform the debate. However, you can discredit this perspective by using evidence. For example:

5 Conclusion Sum up the main argument, restate your point of view DO NOT introduce new points DO NOT copy your contention from the introduction For example:

6 Assessment criteria AUDIENCE Have I tried to engage and persuade my audience? Do I know who I am writing this to? TEXT STRUCTURE Does my writing have an introduction? At least 3 main paragraphs and a conclusion? Do each of my points flow? IDEAS Do I have evidence and reasons to support my main points? Are my ideas fit in with the topic? Do I acknowledge the many points of view that inform this debate? PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES Do I use persuasive techniques in each of my paragraphs? (emotive language, rhetorical questions, authoritative statements, anecdote) Does my letter have a tone that is obvious to the reader? VOCABULARY Do I use words like ultimately, consequently, however, on the other hand, similarly, in addition, as a result… to link my paragraphs? Do I use ‘legal studies words’ such as: defence, prosecution, social cohesion….. Check your glossary! Have I read over my work (out loud!). Does it sound right? Do my words look right? Could I make my writing any clearer? PARAGRAPHING Is there a line between each of my paragraphs? Did I put my strongest point in the first body paragraph?

7 Format and layout To be hand written (because the exam is handwritten and you need to practise using your hand to write words). Leave a line between each of your paragraphs Include a bibliography of the resources that you use to inform your contention If I can’t read your writing I won’t mark your work. Why? The examiner won’t mark your work if they can’t read it.

8 Bibliography Why do we need a bibliography? How do we write a bibliography?

9 Due date Due Tuesday of week 10. You will have this week (Tuesday), next week (Tuesday and one period on Friday) to complete the work. This is nearly 4 hours in class. The rest of the work is homework.

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