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Applications of chemical equilibria. living systems.

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1 applications of chemical equilibria

2 living systems


4  when the pressure of oxygen gas increases the equilibrium shifts to the right;  when the acidity increases or the pressure of oxygen gas decreases the equilibrium shifts to the left.

5 living systems The protons aid the freeing of oxygen molecules adsorbed on haemin-groups. In lungs the reverse process takes place. As a result of the high partial pressure of oxygen gas, the proton is released from the haemoglobin. This shifts the dissociation of H 2 CO 3 to the left releasing CO 2.

6 living systems Carbon monoxide (CO) can adsorb on haemoglobin molecules even better than O 2.

7 living systems

8 industrial applications




12 the synthesis gases enter the vessel, whereupon the pressure increases the gases are heated (T increases) N 2 and H 2 are passed over a catalyst bed the partial conversion of N 2 and H 2 to NH 3 takes place the liberated heat is removed (T and p decrease) the reaction mixture is further cooled to condense the ammonia (T and p decrease further) the ammonia is removed pressure is exerted on the non-reacted N 2 and H 2 and these gases are further used in the production of ammonia.

13 industrial applications

14 water purification

15 Chlorine gas is normally poorly soluble in water, but it does more than just dissolve as it reacts extremely rapidly with water. This reaction, actually an auto-oxidation reaction, is an equilibrium reaction.

16 cave equilibria

17 Rain-water contains some H 2 CO 3 in addition to other acids. Above-ground and underground the seeping water becomes more and more enriched with CO 2, particularly when passing through humus-rich soils. This increases the partial pressure of CO 2 in the water.

18 cave equilibria

19 kitchen equilibria

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