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Presenters:Nguyen Hai Thuy Duong Nguyen Hong Minh English 3B.04 Presenters:Nguyen Hai Thuy Duong Nguyen Hong Minh English 3B.04.

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2 Presenters:Nguyen Hai Thuy Duong Nguyen Hong Minh English 3B.04 Presenters:Nguyen Hai Thuy Duong Nguyen Hong Minh English 3B.04


4 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. RELATIVE CLAUSES A relative clause is also called an adjective or adjectival clause. It contains a subject and verb. It begins with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, that, or which) or a relative adverb (when, where, or why). Function: an adjective.

5 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION

6 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. CLASSIFICATION DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (RESTRICTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSES): essential to clarify for the preceding noun and cannot be omitted. E.g. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

7 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. CLASSIFICATION NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (NON- RESTRICTIVE CLAUSES): add more information for the preceding noun and can be omitted. E.g. My brother Jim, who lives in London, is an engineer.

8 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. RULES FOR REDUCED RELATIVE CLAUSES

9 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. RULE 1 RULE 1 YOU MAY DELETE THE RELATIVE PRONOUN AND THE “BE” VERB WHEN: 1.they are followed by a prepositional phrase.  The man who is in the house is my father.  The man in the house is my father.  The books that are on the desk are mine  The books on the desk are mine. 2. the main verb in the relative clause is progressive (PARTICIPLE RELATIVE CLAUSE)  The man who is swimming in the lake is my father.  The man swimming in the lake is my father.  The boy who is being chosen for the team is under 9.  The boy being chosen for the team is under 9.

10 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. PARTICIPLE RELATIVE CLAUSES ACTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSES. E.g. The man driving the bus is my brother. PASSIVE RELATIVE CLAUSES. E.g. The book published last week is on the table.

11 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. YOU MAY NOT DELETE THE RELATIVE PRONOUN AND THE “BE” VERB WHEN: 1.they are followed by an adjective:  The man who is angry is my father.  The man angry is my father. However, you may switch the positions of the adjective and noun.  The angry man is my father. 2. they are followed by a noun:  The man who is a doctor is my father.  The man a doctor is my father. RULE 2 RULE 2

12 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN CAN BE DELETED WHEN IT IS NOT THE SUBJECT OF THE RELATIVE CLAUSE:  This is the house that Jack built.  This is the house Jack built.  The person whom you see is my father.  The person you see is my father.  This is the place where I live.  This is the place I live.  I don't know the reason why she is late.  I don't know the reason she is late (Also : I don't know why she is late. )  The woman whom he likes is married.  The woman he likes is married. RULE 3 RULE 3

13 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. NOTES DO NOT DELETE A RELATIVE PRONOUN THAT IS FOLLOWED BY OTHER VERBS, NOT “BE”. The man who likes roses is my father.  The man likes roses is my father. NEVER DELETE THE RELATIVE PRONOUN “WHOSE”. The man whose car broke down went to the station.  The man car broke down went to the station.

14 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. DO NOT REDUCE ACTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSE WHEN: 1.There is a noun between the relative pronoun and verb. E.g. The man who Jim is meeting for lunch is Vietnamese. 2.We talk about a single, completed action. E.g. The girl who fell over on the ice broke her arms. NOTES

15 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A. DO NOT REDUCE PASSIVE RELATIVE CLAUSE WHEN: 1.There is a noun between the relative pronoun and verb. E.g. The speed at which decisions are made in the company is worrying. 2.The defining relative clause includes other modal verbs, not “will”. E.g. There are a number of people who should be asked. NOTES

16 Technology in language teaching Instructor : Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu, M.A.

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