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Take land from Ottoman Empire Get Constantinople Current conflict between Catholics and orthodox churches.

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3 Take land from Ottoman Empire Get Constantinople Current conflict between Catholics and orthodox churches

4  Have French as an ally because French has been a long time ally of Turks and enemies of Russia  Have British as an ally because they hate changes in power

5 IIIIn July 1853, Russia moved forward and occupied the Danubian Principalities IIIIn October the Turks declared war on Russia IIIIn late November, the Russian Black Sea fleet attacked and destroyed a Turkish squadron at Sinope. Britain, anxious to secure a trade with the Turks, took this attack as an insult making a result inevitable

6  The battle happened on the 20 th of September 1854.  This was the first time in which new rifled muskets were used.  The allies advantage, plus better skill, initiative and numbers, enabled the allies to drive the Russians out of a good position north of Sevastopol.  Led to a year long siege of Sevastopol with the Russians reinforced inside (Allies could have avoided this by attacking Russians right after battle but waited over a week giving Russians time to defend themselves.)

7 22225th of October 1854 FFFFirst attempt to stop siege at Sevastopol WWWWhen Charge of Light Brigade happened (charge of light cavalry at Battery of Russians guns in a valley surrounded by even more Russian guns, made Russians never want to fight in the open field again.) MMMMain result of the battle was to leave Russian army dominating the only proper road between Balaklava and Sevastopol.

8  After another attempted of the Russians to end siege, the armies stopped fighting for the winter.  The supply ships sent to the allies sank  Chorea raged through the camp due to lack of supplies  Only 12,000 ally troops were in fighting condition at the end of the winter

9 8888th of September 1855 TTTThe French launched one of the few well planned attacks of the war AAAAimed at the Malakoff, one of the two key strongpoint's of the defense. AAAA heavy bombardment was followed an assault by an entire French corp. SSSSurprise was achieved by the first use of synchronized watches to time an assault MMMMalakoff was captured. TTTThat night Prince Gorchakov evacuated the city.

10 22228th of February to 30th of March 1856 EEEEnded War RRRRussian lost dominance in the Balkans AAAAgreed to respect the integrity of the Ottoman Empire AAAAustria was probably the biggest loser because they lost Russia as an ally because they didn’t help and no one else was interested in being allied with them.

11 ttechnology allowed news to reach home very quickly, for the first time the condition of the fighting men were known at home FFlorence Nightingale's famous nursing innovations improved the military hospitals RRiffled Muskets were used AAllies won not because of better strategy but because of better industrialization

12  World Civilizations: The Global Experience  s_crimean.html s_crimean.html  orians/crimea_01.shtml

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