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Grade 5 Science FCAT April 13-14, 2015 Department of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 5 Science FCAT April 13-14, 2015 Department of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 5 Science FCAT April 13-14, 2015 Department of Science

2 Reporting Categories EARTH & SPACE: 29% PHYSICAL SCIENCE : 29% LIFE SCIENCE: 25% NATURE OF SCIENCE: 17% Item types and Numbers Department of Science MC100% Total Items60 – 65 Grade 5 Science FCAT will be administered in two 80 minutes sessions with a break in the middle of each session over a period of two days, April 13 th and 14 th.

3 Test Taking Strategy for Multiple Choice Questions PART 1: What is the question all about? Read the Question First Underline key words within the Question Read the background information and/or analyze the diagrams PART 2: Process of Elimination Read the Answer Choices Cross out two of the choices that you know are 100% wrong. Re-Read the two remaining choices and ask yourself which one of the two choices is wrong? “Distracters” – Don’t be distracted! Department of Science

4 FCAT Science 2.0 Thinking Test Three Levels of Complexity – The Demands on Thinking that an Item (QUESTION) makes. – What the Item (QUESTION) will Require you, the student to recall, understand, analyze, and do! THINK… THINK… THINK… Department of Science

5 Key Words Used… Low Complexity Questions – Identify, recognize, retrieve, calculate Very little thinking; either you know it or you don’t! THINK… THINK… THINK… Department of Science

6 Forms of Energy SC.5.P.10.1 1. Miguel is rolling a ball down a hill. This is an example of which form of energy? A.chemical energy B.electrical energy C.mechanical energy D.thermal energy Florida Achieves Department of Science

7 Key Words Used… Moderate Complexity Items – Apply, infer, predict, compare & contrast Thinking requires making connections; problem-solving. THINK… THINK… THINK… Department of Science

8 Forms of Energy Quiz SC.5.P.10.4 2. Which of the following lists the forms of energy that electricity can be transformed into? A.heat, kinetic, light, and sound energy B.chemical, heat, light, and solar energy C.heat, kinetic, nuclear, and sound energy D.gravitational, kinetic, solar, and sound energy Florida Achieves Department of Science

9 Key Words Used… High Complexity Items – Construct a model, draw conclusions, design, explain, justify, interpret Thinking requires abstract reasoning. THINK… THINK… THINK… Department of Science

10 Grade 5 SC.5.P.13.1 Sample MC Item 3. Marla throws a paper airplane. The airplane flies for several meters, then slows down and begins to fall to the ground. What two forces cause the airplane to slow down and fall to the ground? A. Friction from Marla’s hand makes it slow down, and a magnetic force pulls it to Earth. B. Air resistance slows it down, and gravity pulls it to Earth. C. Gravity makes it slow down, and the pull of the Moon makes it fall to Earth. D. Gravity makes it speed up, and the pull of the Moon makes it fall to Earth Department of Science

11 Multiple Choice (MC): 1 Minute per question More Practice Test Items Department of Science

12 Grade 5 SC.5.P.8.1. Sample MC Item 4. These two cubes are exactly the same size. Which of the following MUST also be the same? A density B mass C temperature D volume Department of Science

13 Grade 5 SC.4.L.17.3 Sample MC Item 5. Study the food chain below. Which of the following provide energy for the rabbit? A panther B apples and nuts C other rabbits D The rabbit makes its own energy. Department of Science

14 Grade 5 SC.4.E.5.3 Sample MC Item 6. Keisha knows that Earth rotates on its axis. What evidence indicates Earth is rotating on its axis? A. There is a day and a night. B. There are 365 days in each year. C. There are four phases of the Moon. D. There are different seasons of the year. Department of Science

15 Grade 5 SC.5.L.14.2 Sample MC Item 7. Plants and animals have similar structures to help them survive. How is skeletal system similar to the stem of a plant. A.The skeletal system absorbs energy from the sun. B.The skeletal system supports the body and the stem supports the plant. C.Both the skeletal system and the stem transport nutrients throughout the body. D.The stem helps the plant to make food and the skeletal system helps the body to make food. Department of Science

16 Claims Evidence Reasoning CER As a Test Taking Strategy A CER can be used to justify an answer choice for an FCAT type question that includes evidence in the scenario and/or data table and reasoning in the scenario. Department of Science

17 Claims Evidence Reasoning Multiple Choice Question Claim -The correct answer choice is … Evidence - Facts from the scenario - Data from the table or graph if applicable Reasoning - Scientific background knowledge that explains why the answer is correct beyond what is given in the graph, table or background information. - Reasons for excluding other answer choices.

18 Example of FCAT type question that includes evidence in the data table and reasoning in the scenario “A CER Works” Sample FCAT 2.0 Science Question A radiometer is a device with fins that spin when light energy strikes them. A picture of a radiometer is shown below. As part of an experiment, a light source was placed 50 centimeters (cm) from a radiometer. The light source gave off four different-colored lights for 30 seconds (s) each. After each color of light was turned off, the amount of time the fins on the radiometer spun was recorded. The results are shown in the table. Which color of light provided the greatest amount of light energy according to the data in the table? F. red G. green H. blue I. white claim reasoning evidence

19 1. Two animals that live in Florida are the American bittern and the Key deer. The bittern is a bird that has a buff and brown colored back that allows it to blend in with the sawgrass of the lakes it lives near. When it feels threatened, the bittern freezes and points its head skyward to resemble a reed. The Key deer is brown in color, lives in the forest, and freezes when it feels threatened. How do these two animals use similar adaptations in order to survive in their very different environments? A.Both the bittern and the deer use their small size to hide from approaching predators. B.Both animals live in groups and huddle together with their family for protection from predators. C.Both animals use their coloring and lack of big movement to avoid being seen by predators. D.Both the bittern and the deer use the movement of the trees and bushes around them to distract predators so they can escape. ReasoningEvidence

20 2. Will and Tammy are moving a dresser. They are arguing about which direction to move it. Will is pushing the dresser with a force of 5 newtons towards Tammy. Tammy is pushing the dresser towards Will with a force of 10 newtons. What happens to the dresser? A.The dresser does not move. B.The dresser moves towards Will. C.The dresser moves towards Tammy. D.The dresser moves towards Tammy, then back towards Will. Division of Science

21 Department of Science 3

22 Last Minute Tips for Success in the FCAT Eat a good breakfast and have a good night’s rest (8 hours of sleep). Use a dull #2 pencil. Answer all questions. Pace yourself and make sure to keep working through the test. Try to give yourself enough time to go back and make sure you have answered all the questions. Read all answers carefully since two or more answers might be similar. Pick the Best explanation/answer. Need to guess on a multiple-choice test? First, eliminate the answers that you know are wrong. Make a selection and do not change your answer. Stay focused and relaxed and remember Do not quit - Give it your best! Department of Science

23 Florida Education: The Next Generation DRAFT March 13, 2008 Version 1.0 Questions? Department of Science


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