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Matthew 17 When Heaven Meets Earth The Transfiguration (vs. 1-13) Six days later...we don’t know where Could be in the Hermon range (Ceasarea Philippi)

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 17 When Heaven Meets Earth The Transfiguration (vs. 1-13) Six days later...we don’t know where Could be in the Hermon range (Ceasarea Philippi)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Matthew 17 When Heaven Meets Earth

3 The Transfiguration (vs. 1-13) Six days later...we don’t know where Could be in the Hermon range (Ceasarea Philippi) or Mt. Tabor (Galilee) The location is not important We don’t have many details of the conversation We do know who was there!

4 Moses & Elijah Moses = The Law Elijah = The Prophets Moses died & God buried him 1,500 years earlier (Deut. 34:6) Interesting reference in Jude vs. 9 about an argument over the body of Moses! Why? This was the first time Moses was in the Promised Land! With Jesus!!!

5 Elijah didn’t die (2 Kings 2:11) His return of sorts was expected (Mal. 4:5) This is the occasion where Jesus explains that John the Baptist was that person Not a re-incarnation, but in the style and type of Elijah (Taught in Matt. 3) Even when Jesus was on the cross they thought he was shouting to Elijah (Matt. 27:46-49)

6 Truth is, Both the Law and the Prophets are nothing without Jesus (Matt. 5:17) Law nor Experience can save you....Only Jesus!

7 Peter, James & John are also there They had just heard Jesus explain His death & humiliation Now they are to see His Majesty Notice that Moses had a shining face (Ex. 34: 29-30) But it was reflected (2 Cor. 3:7-18) Jesus was different, He is The Light (vs. 17 & John 1: 4) It was His Majestic Splendor (2 Peter 1: 16-19)

8 Peters’ response: To do something God’s demand Listen to Him! Listen to what? Doctrine or Experience Both together in Jesus which leads to: “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Pet. 1:3)


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