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Asbury Discipleship Communities 2013. Discipleship Communities Asbury’s New Vision and MAP What is a Discipleship Community? Leadership Team What does.

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Presentation on theme: "Asbury Discipleship Communities 2013. Discipleship Communities Asbury’s New Vision and MAP What is a Discipleship Community? Leadership Team What does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asbury Discipleship Communities 2013

2 Discipleship Communities Asbury’s New Vision and MAP What is a Discipleship Community? Leadership Team What does an effective community look like? How does the church resource communities? What communities does Asbury have right now? How are we doing as a community?

3 Asbury’s New VISION Developing All Generations for Significant Lives In Christ

4 WHY DO WE NEED A MAP? PROBLEM: Too many options from which to choose The complexity is confusing making it hard to know how to connect at Asbury Many cannot figure out what to do next RESULT: 50% of people never take a step beyond worship

5 Asbury’s New map How we want people to engage at Asbury Worship GROW Influence Worship is the primary way we want people to engage with God at Asbury. It is our top priority for members and guests, because worship is where we experience God together. It is where we experience components of our intergenerational nature. Worship is where we celebrate what God is doing in and through Asbury, and it is where we reinforce our new vision. Grow Worship alone will not help us experience the abundant life God wants for us. In addition to worship, we call people to grow. This is about development. We call people to grow in their faith to spiritual maturity, to grow in their lives to wholeness and wellness, and to grow in meaningfully influencing others for Jesus Christ. The commitment to grow is about taking individual responsibility to pursue life-long learning and maturing. It also includes aiding growth and development in those outside of Asbury. Influence As people engage in worship and grow in their faith, we call members and guests to leverage who they are becoming in Christ so that they can meaningfully influence others. Serving at Asbury and beyond is not an end in itself. The goal is to positively influence those with whom we come into contact by sharing the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. Our calling is to find ways to influence others at Asbury, at work, at home, in our neighborhoods, and in every area of our lives.

6 What is a Discipleship Community ? A Discipleship Community is the framework of strategic relationships for Asbury members and friends to Develop All Generations for Significant Lives in Christ, seeking to nurture one another in living the life of a disciple, as manifested through growing, hospitality, and influence.

7 Discipleship Community VS. Sunday School Sunday School Meets 1X/week Meets on Sunday Mostly Bible study One or two people lead (usually teachers) Members passive Limited sharing or service, if any Discipleship Community Meets 1X/week + others during week Meet on Sundays or weekdays All 3 areas in balance* Leadership team with all members using spiritual gifts Members actively involved Includes Hospitality and Influence*

8 HEAD HEART HANDS Hospitality Influence


10 + Head (GROW) without - Heart ( Hospitality ) or - Hands ( Influence ) = Pharisee

11 +Heart (Hospitality) without -Head ( GROW ) or - Hands (Influence) = Country club

12 +Hands ( INFLUENCE ) without - Head ( GROW ) and - Heart ( Hospitality) = Busyness

13 Community Leadership Model

14 What does an effective Community look like? “Sunday School on STEROIDS” Balanced areas Growing spiritually individually and as a group All members engaged “Owning” their ministry Participate as active part of Asbury

15 How does the church resource communities? Training Other ministries Resource Room Staff Community Handbook - Hard copy in room & web

16 What Adult communities does Asbury have right now? 37 listed on brochures + others (small groups) 6 specifically for Singles 2 8:00, 18 9:15, 16 11:00 Sunday mornings 1 Midweek Every adult age group 20-90, as well as blended

17 How is our community doing? Suggestions: Use class time to do a “check up” occasionally Have small groups available Take spiritual gifts inventory and find your passion Do service projects together – it is FUN! Committee selects leadership by November 10 Live in grace as a family

18 Christian Explorers Ranks 4 th in average attendance of ALL DCs Consistent growth over past 9 years Serves regularly in Outreach areas Giving community Has many on staff, governing boards and councils Loaded with good teachers who teach in communities and RoadMap classes

19 Christian Explorers New Members added 200429Pioneers 200515 2006 8 200710 2008 9 200910 201014 201121 2012-1324

20 Time to Ask Q & A

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