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Progressive Movement Response to Industrial Revolution.

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1 Progressive Movement Response to Industrial Revolution

2 The Gilded Age  Term coined by Mark Twain  satirized an era of serious social problems disguised by a thin gold gilding  Great wealth alongside poverty and difficult living conditions  Money led to corruption and dishonesty

3 Political Corruption  Political Machines  Ballot box stuffing  Bribery  Allowed groups to gain control of and influence local governments  Tammany Ring in New York City  Run by “bosses” such as Boss Tweed  Exchanged jobs for support  Stole money to line own pockets

4 Corruption at ALL levels  Political corruption extended to the Washington  Ulysses S. Grant  Federal officials took bribes from whiskey makers in exchange for not paying taxes  Congress took bribes from Union Pacific Railroad  Ended the ‘spoils system’

5 Progressives Respond  Fought to eliminate CAUSES of problems  Crime  Disease  Poverty  Better working conditions  Education  Improve sanitation

6 Muckrakers  Thomas Nast  Political Cartoonist  Attacked Boss Tween  Lincoln Steffens  Wrote for McClure’s Magazine  “The Shame of the Cities”  Exposed corruption in many major cities in America  Upton Sinclair  “The Jungle”  Unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry

7 Successes  City planning  Safer buildings and public parks  Civil engineering  Improved transportation  Sanitation engineers  Pollution, waste disposal and clean water  Education  Kindergarten  Medical Schools Central Park-New York City

8 Voting Reform  Seventeenth Amendment – 1913  Recall ability  Collect signatures of ~25% of people who voted FOR official being “recalled”  Mayors, Governors (2 all time), Senators etc.  Initiative  Way to bypass legislature  Referendum  Way to approve or repeal legislature

9 City Government  Many local governments were reformed  Commission Government  Elected officials run each system  Council-Manager  City is run like a business  People elect a city council or “board of directors”  City Council appoints a manager to run the city


11  Child labor  Boys would sell newspapers and shine shoes  Girls worked at home cooking, cleaning and sewing  Children provided cheap labor for manufacturers  In 1900 1.75 MILLION kids under 15  Textile mills  Mining  Factories Reforming the workplace

12 Work place conditions  Are you safe?  No protection against fires and machines  Physical labor was actually PHYSICAL  No Air Conditioning or heat  No air filters  Long hours = little pay

13 Rights of Women and Minorities  Women fought for suffrage and Temperance  Suffrage means ____________  Women were getting educated  1890 Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and Utah granted suffrage to women  1919 the 19 th Amendment passed  Temperance: avoidance of alcohol  Many people blamed alcohol for the ills of society  Carry Nation: axe wielding prohibitionist who smashed salons and liquor bottles in Kansas

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