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Level 4 Separation System
Decisions to be taken 1. General structure 2. Vapor recovery system 3. Liquid recovery system Best separation system = f (design vars) Design guidelines
Separations Data requirements
Together with choice of reactions and reaction conditions is the most important process task Data requirements Phase behavior boiling point ( vapor pressure ) melting point volatility ( relative ) Solubility in various solvents Density Size Adsorptivity on surfaces Magnetic + electrostatic properties Chemical reactivity Must find way of exploiting difference in some properties between species ( groups of species ) to be separated
Classification of Separation Systems
Mixture of Components … Separating Processes Thermal separation Rate-governed separation Mechanical separation … Separating Operation Absorption Extraction Distillation Main column Side stripper Feed stream Combined sys. … with without Heat integration Heat integration Ref) K. Hartmann & K. Kaplick “Analysis and Synthesis of Chemical Process systems.” Elsevier (1990) pp160
1. General structure ( vapor – liquid processes, no solids )
Decision : do we need a vapor or liquid ( or both ) separation system? depends on the base of ( reactor ) exit stream liquid reactor liq Liq. Sep. Sys. feeds products Liq. recycle vapor cool down the stream to 100 ℉ (cooling water temp.) and use liquid recovery systems (fig 7.1-4)
Mixed phases ( fig ) Gas recycle vap.sep. Sys. vap purge Phase split liq liq vap If xrec ≫ xpro Reactor system liq Liq.sep. Sys. products Liq recovery Basis for schemes above phase splits are cheapest method of separation if phase split not obtained by cooling water(100℉), try a) pressurize reactor (for gas feed and recycle) b) compressor or refrigerator (for gas feed and recycle) if small amounts of V or L obtained, eliminate phase split
phase split calculation ( flash )
Zi V, yi L, xi ( approximation calculation, Douglas p166 ) K = K( T,P,x,y ) First approx : Raoults law ( ideal mixture, low pressure ) ( Antoine eqn.) NOT VALID for nonideal solutions ( polar, electrolytic soln ) FLASH routines are workhorse of CAD packages - PPDS, PROCESS, SpeedUp, FLOWTRAN, ASPEN…..
2. Vapor Recovery System ( where? How? )
location of vapor recovery sys. a b c Gas recycle purge Vapor from reactor or phase split a) On purge stream if significant amounts of valuable materials lost b) On gas recycle stream if recover materials may shift product distribution or catalyst poisoning c) On the vapor stream if both reasons for a, b, d) No recovery system required if neither reasons for a nor b are valid
The cheapest vapor recovery system ?
condensation ( high pressure and/or low T ) good separation when K ≫ 1 ( e.g. 10 ) K ≪ 1 ( e.g. 0.1) absorption ( liquid solvent ) adsorption membrane reaction Normally required to estimate size and cost of units to determine the cheapest separation scheme Design the vapor recovery system first then consider the liquid separation system ( ∵ the vapor recovery processes usually generates a liquid stream that must be further purified )
3. Liquid Recovery System
Decisions applicability of distillation sequence of columns/separations method of separation Distillation is often the least expensive for liquids if relative volatility ≤ → separation difficult fig B,C Separation task B A C A B C D E D 1 2 3 lump E B,C,D,E D,E Column A/B,C,D,E A,B,C/D,E A,B,C,D/E B,C,/D,E A/B,C A,B,C,/D A/B,C,D B,C,D/E D/E B,C/D 4 products 5 combinations
Number of alternative schemes is large !
No. of species ….. No. of species ….. ( e.g. Table 7.3-2) Simplification using heuristics Evaluation of all alternatives using short cut methods Heuristics for column sequencing Remove corrosive components Remove reactive components or monomers Remove products as distillate Remove recycle streams as distillate for simple columns ( i.e., one top, one bottom column) Remove most plentiful first Remove lightest first High – recovery separations last Difficult separations last Favor equimolar splits Next separation should be cheapest Minimize no. of columns in recycle loops Many more in Douglas book and references ( Table 7.3-5(6), Hartmann )
Separation cost ∝ Feed rate Property difference e.g. Alternatives to distillation ( α<1.1 liquid ) Extraction ( fig ) Extractive distillation ( fig ) Azeotropic distillation ( fig ) Reactive distillation ( fig ) Crystallization ( fig ) ex ) HDA process : Separation sequence flash Table 7.1-1 (p167) H2 = 2 CH4 = 11 Benz = 235.4 Tol. = 87.4 Diphenyl = 4
i) If separate light ends and prod. (Benzene)
Spec. ii) If we attempt low pressure flash change ri (ki ) ( table B-4, p531) Moreover, large loss of benzene $105/yr ∴ separate H2, CH4 first Benz = 235.4 Tol = 87.4 Dip. = 4 Heuristics lightest first most plentiful first equimolar split ∴ direct sequence H2, CH4 Benz. Tol. Dip Last column involves the least species design first
αtop 100 αbot 24.7 Design of toluene/diphenyl column ( p 532 )
Vapor pressure data P ambient ( can use cooling water ) αtop αbot Conservative average α = 25 Feed comp. From mass balance xF = 0.956 Recover % toluene overhead 99.5% diphenyl bottom From feed xD = toluene xB = 0.095 Minimum reflux ( Underwood eqn. ) Actual reflux Min. No. of theoritical trays ( Fensk’s eqn. ) bottom
No. of theoritical trays ( Gilliland’s eqn.)
NT = 2Nm = 6.2 Overall plate efficiency ( O’ Connell ) p451 : viscosity of feed N ( actual no. of trays ) Estimate tray spacing Calculate height Vapor load diameter V = L + D = (R + 1)D =91.73 A eqn ( A ) Guthrie’s correlation Annual cost $ 26300/yr (B-84)
Complete synthesis of conceptual process
Case Study: Complete synthesis of conceptual process Monochlorodecane required for detergents Objective : devise a few process concepts 1) Common sources of Cl : Cl2 molecule, HCl Hydrocarbon : nC10H22, decane ( C10H20 ) decanol ( C10H21OH ) 2) Alternative Reaction paths light C10H22 + Cl C10H21Cl + HCl C10H21Cl + Cl C10H20Cl2 + HCl C10H20 + HCl C10H21Cl C10H21OH + HCl C10H21Cl + H2O light cat 3) Reaction path screening Guideline Select paths with large economic potential ( value of products – reactants ) Avoid adding species, solvents etc. Avoid hazardous materials, disposal problems Avoid excessive high pressures, low temp etc. ( high utility + operating costs )
Economic potential $/kmol
Decane ( C10H22 ) DEC Decene ( C10H20 ) Decanol ( C10H21OH ) Chlorine ( Cl2 ) Cl HCl HCl Honochloro decane ( C10H21Cl ) MCD Drchloro decane ( C10H20Cl2 ) DCE ① Selectivity S = Moles of MCD produced Moles of DEC reacted DEC Cl MCD DCD HCl Basis s s s s 1 mole MCD 1/s (2/s-1) (1/s-1) (2/s-1) EP = [ (2/s – 1)] – [10.58×1/s ×(2/s –1) = 36.7 – 13.9/s ( $/kmol MCD ) ② EP = [35] – [ ] = 6.43 ③ EP = [35]-[30.86 = 2.20] = 1.94 22.8 ② ③ 0.38 0.458 1 ∴ select reaction path 1 if selectivity ≥ 0.46 try and suppress side reaction
4) Species allocation ( reaction path 1 )
HCl, Cl2.,DEC waste MCD product DCD waste ① Cl2 r×n DEC Discard remaining reactants Feed stoichiometric Very large conversion ② Cl2 r×n DEC HCl waste MCD product DCD waste Cl2, DEC Feed stoichiometric Smaller conversion Recycle unused reactants ③ AS but recycle Cl2 and DEC as separate streams ② ④ same as ① but complete conversion ( fewer separation ) HCl waste MCD p. DCD w.
DEC ⑤ HCl Cl2. MCD product DCD waste waste Cl2 r×n DEC Large excess of DEC to reduce DCD formation ( Cl2 probably all used ) Cl2 r×n DEC HCl MCD product DCD waste waste ⑥ Large excess of Cl2 to completely consume most valuable reactant Large amount of DCD ? Cl2 r×n DEC HCl Cl2. MCD product DCD waste Feed stoichiometric ( small excess DEC ) Large conversion, impurities acceptable in product
Questions high conversion feasible with stoichiometric feed ??
what is selectivity to MCD ? what is DEC/Cl2 ratio for good selectivity ? Pilot plant, bench chemist etc. Lab. data Stoich. Feed products 1 mol Cl mol MCD s = 0.8 1 mol DEC mol DCD EP = 19.3 Excess Feed products 1 mol Cl mol MCD 5 mol DEC mol DCD s = 0.95 4 mol DEC, HCl EP = 22 traces Cl2 ∴ loss of selectivity fairly large with stoich. Feed. second scheme probably more interesting although difference in EP not too large. keep first possibility as alternative schemes ② ⑤
5) Separations Scheme ② r×m separ Cl2 1 DEC 1 DEC 4 Cl2 trace
HCl W. MCD P. DCD W. Scheme ⑤ DEC 4 Cl2 trace W. Cl2 1 DEC 1 r×n separ HCl W. MCD P. DCD W. 5) Separations m.p. ( ℃ ) b.p. ( ℃ ) solub. In water (kg/m3 at 100 ℃) HCl Cl DEC MCD DCD
? Possible separation sequences for scheme 2 a) HCl Cl2, DEC MCD DCD
6) General structure of separation system
reaction is at high T reactor product stream is a gas phase Is phase split possible/desirable ? Large ΔTboiling pt between HCl, Cl2 / DEC, MCD, DCD Condensation possible at atmosphere pressure w / cooling water r×n Phase split Liq. Sep. sys. HCl, Cl2 MCD DCD DEC recycle To waste ?
Vapor recovery system Necessary ? Small amount of Cl waste possible to recover HCl byproduct ? Separation HCl / Cl2 a) Distillation large ΔTb but High P Refrigerated condenser b) Could use absorption with water solvent Cl H2O H2O HCl + Cl2 H2O + HCl Cl2 + H2O cannot be recycled to reactor ( H2O + HCl = highly corrosive ) To remove water drying process Silica gel H2SO4
Process so far dryer absorber reactor Phase split Liquid Recovery system H2SO4 H2O HCl Cl2 DEC MCD p. DCD w. Fresh DEC Q. Other solvents possible ? DEC absorbs Cl2 from HCl – Cl2 mixture already in the process could recycle without separation of DEC / Cl2 DCD absorbs Cl2 from HCl – Cl2 avoids drier MCD could be used before final purification of product
Liquid separation system
mole DEC 0.95 mole MCD 0.05 mole DCD DEC recycle MCD product DCD waste Remove most plentiful first direct sequence ( lightest first ) DEC / MCD. DCD product as distillate Normal b.p. (℃) ΔTb DEC MCD DCD DEC MCD DCD MCD ( product )
Integration of vapor recovery and liquid
separation systems i) e.g. Use DEC as solvent r×n Phase split absorb 1 2 Cl2 DEC, Cl2 HCl HCl ( DEC, Cl2 ) DEC Fresh MCD DCD large amount of DEC available large L / G in absorber simple process scheme solvent loss ?
ii) Use MCD as solvent HCl ( DEC, Cl2 ) HCl Cl2 absorb Phase split r×n MCD ( Prod ) Cl2 MCD Cl2 DEC, Cl2 1 Fresh DEC 2 MCD DCD DCD Absorbed Cl2 recovered + recycled Increased load or separations 1, 2 Also possible to feed MCD, Cl2 from absorber to column 2, and recover Cl2 from a partial condenser at top of column 2 Alternatively – could use MCD, DCD stream as solvent
iii) use MCD + DCD as solvent
r×n Phase split absorb 1 2 Cl2 DEC, Cl2 HCl MCD DCD Fresh DEC ( prod )
7) Material balances fout,i fin,i fin,i Linear rigorous
Linear material balances in terms of molar flow rater and fractional recoveries ( selectivity or conversion ) Reactor s fin,i fout,i Phase splitter ( flash ) Vi P.T fin,i Li Same for dividers ( purge ), columns, etc. ∴ i) assemble linear equations for all units ii) identify degree of freedom of the system design vars S.T.P. fractional recoveries in columns feed ratios, recycle rate, purge compositions
fi solve linear material balances in terms of
all design variables optimize EP To obtain the specified fractional recoveries is a design problem di fi bi e.g. find No. of stages pressure feed position …… That yields desired fractional recovery For fractional recovery model choice ( distillation ) recovery of key component : % losses in non – key : 0.15~0.3% losses of keys
fi Example di i mol/h comp 4 DEC 0.95 MCD 0.05 DCD bi
Light key DEC 99% recovery in distillate Heavy key MCD 99% recovery in bottoms DCD loss = 0.2 loss of MCD to distillate d1 = 0.99 f1 = mol / h d2 = 0.01 f2 = 5* mol / h d3 = 0.2 d2 = 1* mol / h b1 = 0.01 f1 = mol / h b2 = 0.99 f2 = mol / h b3 = f3 – d3 = mol / h Can use this model together with other linear models for complete material balance
Detailed studies – MCD process
Use DEC as solvent to recover Cl2 Use H2O as Cl2 to waste Cl2 price 0 % conversion of Cl2 100 ( concentrated sulphuric acid to remove water ) Small amount of Cl2 High conversion + low Cl2 price waste Intermediate conversions better to recover Cl2 using DEC as solvent Low conversion amount of DEC to be used becomes very large - better to use water as separation agent % conversion 100 1 2 3 profit 1) Cl2 recycled ( H2O solvent ) 2) Cl2 recycled ( DEC solvent ) 3) Cl2 to waste
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