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The Network as the Village Square New Roles and Responsibilities Tim Lance Tempe February 10, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The Network as the Village Square New Roles and Responsibilities Tim Lance Tempe February 10, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Network as the Village Square New Roles and Responsibilities Tim Lance Net@EDU, Tempe February 10, 2008

2 Our Students





7 NYSERNet’s The Colo@32 at Rudin Management’s The Hub

8 East Coast Telecommunications Landings

9 Shaping a Cyberinfrastructure Agenda for New York

10 Welcome and Opening Remarks –Dr. John E. Kelly, III, Senior Vice President for IBM Research –Mr. Edward Reinfurt, Executive Director, NYSTAR 10:30 10:30 Panel Discussion – Researcher’s Perspective –Dr. Mark Shephard, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –Dr. David E. Keyes, Columbia University –Dr. Mark E. Tuckerman, New York University –Dr. Thomas Furlani, University at Buffalo 11:30 Cyberinfrastructure Writ Large –Mr. John E. Kolb, PE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 12:30 Lunch and Small Group Discussions 3:00 Group Reports 3:45 Summarizing and Next Steps

11 11 January 2008 11 Energy Nano Materials and EnvironmentFinancialGovernment and Electronics Healthcare and EnvironmentFinancialGovernment and Electronics HealthcareEducationApplicationsScalingNetworking/SecurityHardware Cyber-Ecosystem Framing the Discussion

12 Questions Have we identified the right set of grand challenges and outcomes? If not, what modifications strengthen the set of outcomes to better match our strengths? The outcomes require expertise from multiple disciplines, all well represented in New York, but often with critical disciplinary areas of excellence spanning multiple institutions. How do we motivate, enable and sustain cross-institutional collaboration? Many components of the support axis, and progress and future hope on the outcomes axis, depend on collaboration between higher education and the corporate sector. How can we build on existing collaborations, and expand the scope of such collaborations. How will success in this area affect progress toward the given outcomes, and how might new collaborations influence the direction/choice of outcomes. The Operations Axis is fairly robust. What areas need strengthening to enable and sustain statewide research collaboration?

13 I got to GE-Niskayuna and to IBM-Yorktown once each for talks, but now you have them coming to us and providing some centripetal encouragement that is just wonderful. The group of attendees was very impressive and even more impressive was the level of engagement of the group. I am glad I had the opportunity to participate. And as one who as worked at or with a large number of New York Groups (Columbia, BNL, Albany, Cornell, Stony Brook, IBM), what is most satisfying is seeing New York pulling together to make us all win! Bravo! What an incredible gathering! There is an incredible opportunity, and this event an important first step in the journey. It was a pleasure to participate.

14 Outcomes

15 Though colored by our surroundings, we must always think outside the box …

16 … no matter where that takes us!

17 William Shakespeare The Tempest Act 2, Scene 1 We all were sea-swallow'd, though some cast again, And by that destiny to perform an act Whereof what's past is prologue, what to come In yours and my discharge.

18 Thank you

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