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BioGRAPHIES of Famous notables by:Mrs. S.. Choose Your Book Choose a 921 book that has a reading level of your choice. Check with Mrs. S or Mrs. K to.

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Presentation on theme: "BioGRAPHIES of Famous notables by:Mrs. S.. Choose Your Book Choose a 921 book that has a reading level of your choice. Check with Mrs. S or Mrs. K to."— Presentation transcript:

1 BioGRAPHIES of Famous notables by:Mrs. S.

2 Choose Your Book Choose a 921 book that has a reading level of your choice. Check with Mrs. S or Mrs. K to see if it will have enough information. Check out your book.

3 Guidelines Use handout for taking caveman notes. Complete Bibliography in class. Sing song: changes! Complete all information after skimming and scanning through your book. Use Encyclopedias. Use databases. Online information. Make sure that you know where ALL information is taken from in each category.

4 Directions These examples of questions are just a quick example of what to look for in your first reading. Remember to include your essential question: “How would your life be different if this person had not existed?”

5 Together We will do your World Book Encyclopedia bibliography together as a group on the board. You will work on your biography title page of your 921 book for your bibliography. I will check all of these bibliographies.

6 Set-Up Let’s look at the Presentation. Set-up for the KEYNOTE will be completed in the lab. We will save your projects: SAVE AS:”BIOyournameandyour teacher’sfirstletterofher/his lastname” and you will save on the Desktop. Do not save until you are sure it is on the Desktop. NOW : Add/themes, masters. Write on topics of each slide.

7 Hard Work Your Keynote is set-up. You will now begin creating your specific slides. All slides MUST be written in, before any pictures or transitions are added. Use your shortcuts. Pictures, included with urls may now be completed. Put url under picture and change to YOUR font color! Transitions may now be completed.

8 Polish it! Make sure you Edit, Spell-check. Have another student proof-read your Keynote. Read aloud to yourself for errors. Give oral presentation with Lightspeed and LCD projector.

9 Examples of Keynotes These examples of Keynotes made into iMovies:

10 Needs more Proofreading Needed to fix bibliography.

11 Hurried Through This project was done by a boy who was determined but took a very long time to get this much done. His bibliography was on paper but he ran out of time.

12 ESL Student Needed more time. Got the titles into the presentation. Did her caveman notes but then didn’t have time to complete the project.

13 Worked Hard Another one: She worked hard on her project and answered the “I wonder” section.

14 Finished? This boy had problems focusing and never finished products. With this project he worked hard with what he thought was important. Notice the font colors, misspelled words and information.

15 QUESTIONS How to add pictures? How to get the URL. How to export keynote into iMovie? How to add iMovie? How to....???

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