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Disk WP-4 “Information Technology” J. Hogenbirk/M. de Jong  Introduction (‘Antares biased’)  Design considerations  Recent developments  Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Disk WP-4 “Information Technology” J. Hogenbirk/M. de Jong  Introduction (‘Antares biased’)  Design considerations  Recent developments  Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 disk WP-4 “Information Technology” J. Hogenbirk/M. de Jong  Introduction (‘Antares biased’)  Design considerations  Recent developments  Summary

2 “All-data-to-shore” photon detection information transmission information management information distribution detector f mf m f 1f 1 f f m+1 m minimum number of time-position correlated photons

3 “All-data-to-shore” *  Scientifically –maximise neutrino detection efficiency –maintain flexibility (also after construction) –enable different physics (e.g. Magnetic Monopole)  Technically –reduce data transmission to a linear problem (scalability) –locate all complexity on shore (reliability) –optimisation of data filter (quality) * Maximum of event related data

4 Status  Antares established proof-of-principle of “All-data-to-shore” excellent time resolution → easy to find tracks access to L0 data (single photons), see next pages easy to include external triggers, see next pages  NEMO mini tower operational readout also based on “All-data-to-shore”  Nestor readout for 4-floor NESTOR tower ready, NuBE evaluation of commercial digitization system completed

5 + L0 ● L1 shower Cherenkov cone muon

6 neutrino

7 location of GRB detector All data before, during and after GRB alert save analysis Gamma-Ray Burst All data TCP/IP

8 GRB time – earliest recorded raw data delay [s] number of gamma-ray bursts Access to data before GRBdelayed messages

9 Design considerations

10 Functional geography  Photon detection –High data rate –Uni-directional –Low information density –Timing ~ns  Instrumentation –Low data rate –Bi-directional –High information density –Timing ~ms separation of functionalities

11 Separation of functionalities  Optimise implementation  Reduce cost  Parallel design/production *  Reliability versus redundancy Detection UnitsInstrumentation Units requires proof of concept for calibration *Critical path relaxation

12 Photon counting  Large detection area PMT –Slow –Analogue –Q -integrator –ADC  Small detection area PMT –Fast –Digital –single photon counting –Time-over-threshold two-photon purity photon is digital!

13 Probability to detect 2 (or more) photons as a function of  photo-cathode area  distance between muon and PMT

14  wavefront Cherenkov light cone ~1 km 1-2 abs

15 R [m] P(#   ≥ 2) – 0.01 m 2 – 0.02 m 2 – 0.03 m 2 – 0.04 m 2 – 0.05 m 2 Probability to detect 2 (or more) photons QE = 25% photo-cathode area: 2 x larger PMT does NOT see twice as far

16 Time stamping  Off-shore TDC –Distributed clock system Master clock Time calibration Network Many slave clocks –“Store and Forward” readout  On-shore TDC –Local clock system Master clock Time calibration ‘smart’ TDCs –“Real-time” readout Software (protocol) Hardware (‘analogue’) minimise off-shore electronics

17 Time slice (or “ how-to-get-all-data-in-one-place ”) time muon takes to traverse detector ~

18 Trigger time Ethernet switch off-shore on shore

19 Trigger time Ethernet switch off-shore on shore

20 Trigger time Ethernet switch off-shore on shore

21 Design concepts  à la Antares  1-1 mixed: copper riser / fibre backbone  photonics based

22 à la Antares  Design of new front-end chip (Guilloux, Delagnes, Druillole)  Design of new FPGA/CPU (Herve, Shebli, Louis)  Design of data transmission (Jelle, Henk, Mar)  New clock (?)  New slow control (Michel)  Network optimisation –copper/fibre (Louis, Henk, ?) –Ethernet switch (Louis)  Both slow control & data acquisition (mjg)

23 1-1 mixed: copper riser / fibre backbone  Design of multi-functional FPGA system –FPGA/CPU integration (Herve, Shebli) –Slow control (Michel?) –Front end (Guilloux, Delagnes, Druillole)  Integration of clock & data transmission system –Time synchronisation & calibration (Rethore, Herve, Henk) –Hardware/software (Nemo)  Network optimisation (Jelle, Nemo?, ?)

24 Photonics based  Design of front-end electronics-photonics (Sander, Jelle, Mar)  Optical network (Jelle, Mar)  On-shore multi-  laser  Mar, Jean Jennen)  Synchronised readout (mjg)  On-shore smart TDC (Saclay, Hervé)  No slow control (WP2) Per 16-04-2007 new partners show interest to participate after an upcoming dedicated meeting of WP4

25 Review presentations WP4 parallel session 1.NEMO phase 1: Clock distribution 2.NEMO floor control Module 3.Progress on DAQ physical layer 4.Progress on optical components 5.Commercial Digitizing card


27 Conclusions Nemo phase 1: clock distribution Currently working for 4 floors NEMO phase 2: clock distribution to 16 floors Setup can be easily adapted to serve a KM3NeT size apparatus









36 Conclusions by the WP4 meeting participants 1.Weakness: lack of input from other WP’s 2.Dedicated WP4 meeting is wanted with inputs from other WP’s 3.Use today’s technology is required 4.Get together to: define a medium scale demonstrator roadmap to efficient decision making on technology

37 General summary  “All-data-to-shore” is shown to work –reduce off-shore electronics to minimum  Communication with other WP’s important –separation of functionalities –front-end electronics  Pursue different concepts – à la Antares – 1-1 mixed: copper riser / fibre backbone – photonics based

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